NCIS Attack

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I'm watching NCIS and I just finished season 9. I'm up for some angst so this happened. Who knows? Maybe it'll develop into a plot.

When NCIS regained consciousness he had a minute of panic. He could hardly move and his throat felt like sandpaper. His mind rushed, contemplating for what had just happened. They had been evacuating. There was a bomb within the building. They knew who it was- he couldn't remember. The size of the explosion, though- some people must have been hurt or worse.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw a the ruins that had once been floor of offices. A coat of dust covered everything in sight, sunlight lighting the room from shattered skylights. He looked out around him and pushed out a rough cough that lasted a few rounds. He looked back and pushed some walling off of his legs, only making it an inch at first. He heaved a deep breath and exhaled, gathering a bit of strength. He took a deep breath and pushed the material off of himself. He pushed himself to his knees, taking stalk of everything around him. He'd thought he'd been the last one on the floor, but he couldn't be sure how long he'd been out.

"Jared!" His name was called out a few times by a voice he knew, growing louder.

His voice came out rough and choked. "Over here!" He coughed again, dust scattering.

A man came into his sight and ran to him, giving him a hand and pulling him to his feet. "You all right?"

Jared nodded, another rough cough coming out. He looked to the agent's face and saw a friend, someone he'd worked with a few times before and someone he'd gone out for drinks with on more than one late night. "Are you all right?"

Marcel nodded. "A little shaken, but uninjured." He watched his gaze sweep lower. "I can't say the same for you." He pulled Jared's jacket back, revealing a bleeding wound in his lower chest.

"Oh." Jared put his hand to the wound, grimacing slightly as he pressed down, getting a little more blood in the stream.

"Come on." Marcel started leading him away. "We need to get you to a hospital."

Jared shook his head as he walked towards the exit with Marcel. "I just need some dressing. I'll be fine." He heard how painfully exhausted he sounded. This hadn't happened before. Attacking the NCIS headquarters straight on, it felt like he was about to pass out. His chest felt heavy and he could feel a panic attack coming on. "Just get something to stop the bleeding." He breathed in and held his breath, counting to five before exhaling and repeating the process.

"No way, Jared," he said, shaking his head. "I'm getting you to a hospital before you pass out from blood loss."

Jared shook his head. "I need to see the Director."

"And you will. As soon as you get that wound patched up."

They found an exit and walked out into the blinding daylight. Emergency vehicles and agents were everywhere. Naval officers and agents helping others out of the building and out of harm's way, getting them first aide and to the hospital. FBI vehicles and agents were among them, speaking with others and seemingly trying to make sense of the situation.

NCIS was scanning the area as Marcel lead him away, half supporting him. He pressed on his wound, feeling his blood trail pass his fingers. There were still bodies under pieces of cloth and some not covered, many people sitting with wounds and most everyone walking around in a dazed look that he had not doubt he had as well. They made it to an ambulance where Marcel and the paramedic made Jared sit on the back of the vehicle. He unbuttoned his dress shirt and pull up his undershirt so the paramedic could see the wound. He looked down and saw that it was worse than he had originally thought.


He looked up at the sound of his name being called and saw FBI coming his way.

"You know everyone, don't you?" Marcel asked.

He looked up to him, squinting in the sunlight. "Just because I have connections, doesn't mean they like me all that much."

"Seems like he's awfully happy to see you."

"Someone just blew up NCIS headquarters, Marcel. Any decent person would be concerned."

FBI stopped in front of them and looked over them both. "Are you two all right?" They both gave simple nods and he turned to NCIS. "Raleigh?"

"I'm fine, Sawyer."

The paramedic finished dressing his wound quickly before moving to someone else after he was assured that he and Marcel were fine.

"You don't look so good."

"That's what I've been saying," Marcel chimed in. He looked up to his friend as he continued. "He never listens when it comes to himself."

"Yep," Austin agreed. "Refuses to acknowledge that there are people that do in fact care about his well-being."

Jared glared at him as he stood up, suppressing a grimace as his head spun. He looked to Austin, making it plain that he was speaking to him. "You guys have a funny way of showing it. I have to get to work."

"You look like you could use some help."

Instead of disagreeing with the truth, he turned to his fellow agent. "Marcel can come with me."

Austin nodded, but didn't let off. "I need to talk with you later about all this, though."

Jared nodded. "Later." He walked away with Marcel, not sure where they would find the director.

"There bad blood between you two?"

"Like I said. Just because I know people, doesn't mean we get along."

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