November 10

161 8 4

Marine: Are you all ready, yet?

Navy: We can't all be as ready for everything as you can.

Marine: Coast is ready.

CoastGuard: Please don't bring me into your little competition.

Navy: *grins* You're already in this. Where's Seal and NCIS?

Marine: They said that they'd meet us there.

Navy: Let's go then.

At fancy hall place with party.

Seal: Hey, Marine! *waves*

Marine: Hey, Seal. Nice to see you, Police. Thanks for coming.

Police: *smiles* My pleasure. Happy birthday.

Marine: *smile* Thank you.

NCIS: *throws arm around Marine's shoulders* Happy 241st birthday! Man, you're old!

Marine: Thanks. *pushes NCIS off* Where did you come from?

NCIS: The buffet table.

Seal: Of course.

NCIS: *eats piece of cheese* The cheese is good.

Police: Where did you get that?

NCIS: *pulls another piece of cheese from suit pocket*

Police: Did you steal all the cheese and put it in your pockets?

NCIS: It's not stealing if it's free. *eats cheese*

Navy and CoastGuard: *join group*

CoastGuard: Happy Birthday, Marine.

Navy: Here. *hands marine small box*

Marine: *takes box, opens it**smiles* Thanks, Navy.

Navy: You earned it.

Police: Congratulations.

Marine: Thanks.

I don't know the specifics, but I do know that on the day the Marines were founded, there's this party thing, I think.

Meet the DefenseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon