Chapter 10: The Big Dick-bate

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Shoutout to Makennacoo and DisneyLandLover12 — from snapchat ♡ Thanks for commenting — Add me athena.lx —

That title is supposed to be [The Big Debate] just incase if you didn't get it hahaha


I rammed my fist into Caine's abdomen at the same time as Caine pulled my other hand, making me loose my balance. I spun around, jerking my elbow backwards to make contact with Caine, before quickly wrenching my wrist out of his grip.

The feeling of punching someone, especially the person who caused my recent psychological pain, was like the gates of a floodgate opening. The pent up anger and pain from Caine's betrayal fueled my punches.

I knew Caine was not even attempting to properly fight back. Somehow that made me even more pissed. It's not like I can't take a punch to the face. God knows the amount of times I've been knocked out during training. 

I spun around and landed a roundhouse kick on to Caine's biceps. He caught my leg with his hands, his fingers wrapping around my calves. "Are you done?" He drawled, his fingers tracing invisible shapes on my bare skin. "I'm getting bored here."

My legs were left in a split. 

I narrowed my eyes, my chest gently rose and fell with each intake of breath. The adrenaline that rushed through my body is now dissipating. "Aw, poor Cainey is getting bored. If you actually fought back then you wouldn't." I glared at him, my fists still held up in front of my chest. 

"I have a better idea to cure my boredom." Caine leaned in, a smirk forming on his face. His fingers began tracing further up my leg, past my knee and onto my thighs.

I shot him a warning glare, ignoring the spike of desire that coursed through me from his touch. "Get your hands off me."

Caine feigned being hurt. "Why so cold sweetcheeks?" His fingers began to trail towards the inside of my thighs, his hands brushing the underside of my shorts. I'm pretty sure part of my underwear is showing now. 

I stifled a moan. Cursing at my raging hormone, I attempted to push it to the back of my mind. 

Hardening my resolve, I stared at him with a defiant glare and planted my foot on the centre of his chest. 

"Ooh, getting kinky, are we?" Caine's smirk deepened at my scowl. 

Biting back a smirk of my own, I pushed off using the foot on his chest. Throwing my body back, my other leg swung up and over, pulling my other leg with me. I finished the backflip by landing perfectly on the ground. 

I couldn't hold back the smirk that formed after seeing Caine's surprised face. 

"Come on don't be like that babe." Caine spread his arms wide. Muscles tensed on his bicep, his chest as if perfectly carved from the Gods themselves. My eyes were drawn to the v line. It was only then did I fully acknowledge the fact that he is still naked.

And very hard.

I gasped, snapping my eyes away from him. "Put some pants on holy fuck!" Out of the corner of my eyes, Caine's body began shaking gently from laughter. And this also includes the raging monster down south. 


I didn't know whether or not to feel completely embarrassed or very aroused.

I think both. Fuck.

"What's wrong with me not wearing clothes? Don't you like the view?" His voice was husky.

"I don't want to be seeing any nasty little needle dick today, especially not yours." I turned away, directing my eyes towards a tree. Hm. That tree is very very interesting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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