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The thistly wind on a cold winter night howled, unrestrained rain pelted against the window, and strikes of lightening illuminated the glaring clouds. Sitting in the only dark room in a brightly lit house, an aged alpha leaned against his desk, flipping through the recent pack statistics. The flickering lamp was the only source of brightness in the room. The alpha heaved a sigh, leaning back to stare as another large bolt of lightening flashed outside, momentarily lighting up the dark room. Situations are becoming tense, with pack members being killed and alliances verging on breaking. He was stressed, unknowing as to what to do. He knew of his importance, alongside his decisions, which will affect hundreds of people negatively if not chosen rightly.

He was worried for his pack's wellbeing, and his wife. His child-bearing wife. He did not know what he would do without her, neither his unborn child. At this moment, the alpha did not look his age. Placing down the sheets of paper, he ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. He wondered about his unborn daughter. He did not want this interminable animosity between his pack and the Poseidon pack to be passed on to be her daughter's responsibility.

The door to the office opened, harsh lighting spilling in, briefly blinding the alpha. When he's eyes finally adjusted, he spotted a girl, around the age of fourteen. She was breathing hard, her eyes wide with fear, and her face flushed. "A-alpha. The Luna is in labour." The alpha was up on his feet in seconds. His heart began speeding up, excitement and nervousness building. He broke into the bedroom, his beautiful mate writhing on the bed, her arms encircling her protruding round stomach. Her face was shiny from the thin sheet of sweat, but her eyes radiated with determination.

After eight hours of labour, a baby's cry greeted the cold crisps air. A round of cheering went around the room, and the tired mother clutched her new-born baby tightly. Her husband kneeled next to the bed, staring awed. The tiny baby already capturing their hearts. They named her Aphrodite, for her power and beauty was already evident.

Jump back to six years ago, on the other side of the world, was the birth of another baby. At his tender age, he is already a determined, hard headed pup. Excelling at sport, with a passion for learning and wielding a sword, it was conspicuous that he will become a trenchant leader. He thrives to be just as feared and strong as his father, if not stronger. But this was obvious, for he was named Caine, the son of a fighter.

Thousands miles of land separates the two. It might be too cheesy to say that fate was the one to bring the two together, although perhaps this may just be true. But be warned, because fate is not always kind.


Tell me what you guys think! I am writing a consecutive three chapters or more before I start uploading so you guys won't have to wait long in between each chapter. This is me trying to be organized hahaha

Feel free to follow me on Twitter if you want to know the progress of writing this book, when I am ready to post a new chapter, or want to talk to me because you are bored haha (Fangirling about most celebrities) My user handle is Miss_TroubleXx I can follow back, just ask xx

Love you guys xx

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