Chapter 6: The Unjust Promise

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Blessing your eyes*

His lips only lingered for a moment before I pulled away. "I-I" The feeling of guilt suddenly eating at me. "I'm sorry Eli." I said softly, looking down at our connected hands.

"I get it." He sighed roughly, squeezing my hand.

"I'm sorry." I repeated. "I don't want to- I can't do the same thing he did to me."

"But he cheated on you! He slept with another female. Why are you protecting him?" He exploded, his voice low but still furious.

I looked up at him. "I know that he totally deserves it, but— the pain was excruciating, Eli."

He took a deep breath. "You are too nice Ro. People like him deserves all the crap in the world." I didn't answer. He took this as a chance to continue. "I don't want him to get in the way of us." Our eyes met.


"You know how I feel about you. And I know that you have some feelings for me too." Despite his words, his eyes showed hints of uncertainty.

"I do, of course. It's just-" I have a mate, I wanted to say. "One day, you will find your mate. When you meet her, I will not be the one to stop you from being with her."

He shook his head. "I– I," He faltered, choosing his next words. "I am nearly twenty two Aph." He laid his palm out flat in front of him. "I highly doubt I would be able to find her."

"Bullshit." I laughed softly.

His shoulders sagged. "I know I know, but I- I can't help how I feel about you Aph." He muttered, running his hands through his hair once more. I kept quite, unsure of how to respond. "How about this?" He uttered out after a loud sigh. "If my mate don't show up before my birthday, you promise to be mine." At first, I was all ready to mouth my rejection for this proposal. But if an unmated wolf turns over 25 years old, he or she have the option to take another mate. If the said wolf does do this, the mating link would break off with little effort, and the remaining mate would receive a second chance mate. This is a very rare occurrence and only happens with Alphas, or high ranked wolves. I pondered his offer.

I shrugged. But he'll most probably find his mate before then. "Um- alright." His face split into a large grin.

"Would it be too optimistic of me if I were to assume that I am able to kiss you?" His eyes flickered down to my lips, before back up to mine. I gave him a small shrug, allowing him to take it as he wished. And guess he took it for a positive, as he leaned down and covered my lips with his. It was a short and sweet kiss, leaving me with a small smile hanging from my lips.

We stepped off the ride, and Elliot boldly wrapped his arms around my waist. I laughed. "Getting hands on already? Thought we had to wait till your birthday."

He winked at me. "I said I will make you mine on my birthday, I didn't say anything about not touching the goods." I blushed, shaking my head.

"So cheesy."

"Only for you babe." He smirked, guiding us towards the ghost train. I groaned as soon as I saw where we were going, wanting to back away immediately.

"Nope." If I could choose one thing that I hated the most, it would be the dark.

"Come on, please? Look, the line is also quite short today." All the more reason to not go. I shook my head. "Don't be a wuss." He said, laughter in his eyes. I glowered, sticking up my middle finger with as much discreet as possible, as there are also children around us. He only cheered in response, guiding me towards the shrinking line.

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