Chapter 15

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POV Lydie

I woke up the following day feeling a pair of arm around my waist. Still half asleep, I took fright about who it was and what I had done,  and pushed to man aside. I finally turned around to look at him when I heard a familiar voice.

"What happened?" I smiled and sighted with relief, before  going to the man lying on the floor.

"I'm sorry Phil, I hadn't realized it was you..." His lost air was totally cute and I couldn't help but pinched his nose," you were hugging you in your sleep, and I pushed you away, as I'm not really used to sleeping with men". I helped him up, even if it was most certainly politeness from him when he took my hand, since my little strength was nothing compared to his . I checked my alarm clock only to notice it was only six in the morning., I led him back to the bed, and laid back down net to him. Once again he put his arms around me and pulled me so I could stay as close as possible. I smiled and five minutes later I fell asleep.

POV Phil

I was used to waking up this early, even if it wasn't usually this way. I mean, usually, my clock rings, nobody pushed me out of bed. Anyway. I tried falling asleep, but falling on my butt so early in the morning had me totally awake. So I just looked at her utterly adorable sleeping face. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. But then I once again felt like an old disgusting creep, so I forced myself to look another way. And I found myself falling asleep, despite not feeling so tired. When I woke up, I looked at the clock to see that I had slept three more hours. I went downstairs to catch some breakfast after putting a shirt on, and found myself alone. A note was on the fridge.

"Hey guys, sorry we had to leave early with your grandmother, everything's in the fringe.

And, Phil, if you are the one reading this, make yourself at home, and can you please wake up the others at 10 maximum ? 

Have a good day

Dad/Jack (Mr. Flores)

I put the note in the trash can and prepared some pancakes for breakfast. I decided to wake Lydie up so we could have some time alone before the guys were up, and I rushed upstairs. I quietly opened the door and walked toward the bed before gently kissing the nose of my girlfriend.

"Love, wake up..." I smiled again seeing her wrinkling her cute little nose and pinched it. "come on... don't you want to spend some time with me before your brothers wake up ? " She moved away " You know I've made breakfast right ? " I grinned seeing her opening one eye. As she closed it again, I got on the bed and bent down before kissing her sweetly. I felt her smile in the kiss.

"Okay, I'm up, wait till I brush my teeth..." 

"No, you're going to eat the wonderful breakfast I've made first Love"

"But I have morning breath, and I can't kiss you if I don't" I chuckled. She was definitely still half asleep, or she would certainly never have dared to say that. 

Without letting her say anything else, I helped her get up and laughed once again at her cute little pajamas, and took her hand to drive her in the kitchen where I made her sit down. I sat in front of her after giving her her plate, and taking mine, before realizing we had only twenty minutes together before we had to wake up the three brothers. She handed me the maple syrup, and I took a bit of it before, and I ate silently, waiting for her to do the same. I started, once again, to stare at her. She finally noticed me doing so and raised an eyebrow.

" What's the matter ? " 

" Nothing, you're just beautiful" I waited a bit, realizing what I had just said. It was the truth, and I had already told her that, but it was never... like that. I mean, this morning felt like we were a happy married couple, and we were not. Well, married, because we were indeed a happy couple. Apart from the problem with the mother, but we would somehow make it out. She blushed, putting her head down, and I couldn't help but smile. I stood up and went to her to kiss her again. She kissed back, and I started to make it more... real. I slid my tongue between her lips, exploring her mouth. When things started to become more... "heated", we suddenly had to pull back.

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