Chapter 10

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POV Lydie

When I woke up, I was on the couch in the living room. Seeing that I was alone, I first thought that Phillip had gone away, but the deep laughter I could hear from the kitchen proved me wrong. I followed the sound, still half asleep, and find him joyfully talking with Vivi. I sprawled on the chair  next to him and rubbed my eyes. I could feel their stares on me so I looked up and looked at them, my eyes half closed because of the light and tiredness. I heard him chuckle, so I glared at him, and he tried to hold his laughter in. Which he didn't manage. Vivi was looking closely at us, and I then realized something.

" Oh my God, are you, like right now, talking with my grandmother?" He didn't have time to answer since she did it for him.

"Yeah sweetheart, and this young man is totally nice. Is he the one for whom you were grounded?". Okay... thanks grandma... I didn't know if I should be feeling embarrassed because of what she had just said, happy because she had acknowledged him or just glad because she hadn't actually said that I was in love with him...

" So, are you two finally going out ? " I had just taken a sip from a glass of water, and couldn't help but spit it. I felt warm going up to my cheeks, and I could see Phil lightly blushing too from the corner of my eye.

" Sweetheart, that was not really lady-like". She didn't see how she had just made things awkward so I just grumbled I was sorry and started cleaning the table, thinking she'd forget about the previous question. Of course, her being an awesome but nosy grandmother, she did not.

" So ? Are you or not ? " I furiously shook my head, hoping she would take the hint that she should not ask further questions about that. But she did not. That would have been too beautiful to be true. " But sweetheart, you like him don't you". Okay, that was it. I don't think I had ever been so red before, so I just stood up and pushed the red and embarrassed Phillip out of his seat, and forcefully dragged him outside.

"Thanks Vivi, I'll see you later". I saw Phillip smile a bit

" Yeah, thanks a lot Mrs. Flores, have a nice day..."

" See you soon young man.  Ah you two are really cute together". 

Hearing her say that made me want to die in this moment. I was so sure that I wouldn't ever be able to stand in front of him anymore ? When we finally got outside, I stood in front of him, feeling pretty awkward. As he did not seem to be leaving, I looked up to him, seeing him grinning widely, like a happy child. That was so cute I couldn't keep myself from smiling too. Even if mine was not so beautiful as his.

" Do you like me ? " The question took me off guards, and I thought about denying it for two seconds, but I didn't want to. He would have discovered it sooner or later. However, it felt way too early to tell him I loved him, and I didn't feel like I could speak, so I just nodded, agreeing. I swear I had never seen such a wide smile before ! He just bent down, saying "that's good enough for me to know right now" and kissed me. I thanked God for not having killed me three minutes before that, and smiled as I kissed back, putting my arms around his neck and I felt him smile in the kiss too. It was sweet, like a first kiss. And even if it was not my first kiss, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't his either, everything I thought was a kiss before was just... nothing. 

POV Phil

She started pulling me out of the kitchen when her grandmother said that she thought we were together since Lydie supposedly liked me. She did not see my face, but I could not find any words to say. I just let her take me out, not too sure. But I wanted to make sure, that was a great opportunity to! I started grinning like a kid thinking about the fact that she might actually return my feeling. After standing awkwardly for about a minute, she looked up and seemed taken aback considering I had such a stupid smile on my face. She sent me a cute smile to answer mine, and I couldn't keep my mouth from asking what I so strongly wanted to know. 

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