Chapter 3

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 Here's my number, you can text me your address for next week if you want your brother  to have a really astonishing birthday present, 

 take care of yourself until then and stop tripping on people, 

see ya'

  Phil :*

 I found myself somewhat wanting to puke looking at his kiss smiley, since I'm not really into these "kiss" and "I love you" stuff with everyone. I mean, that's supposed to be special right ? Not like I really care if he thinks otherwise. Anyway. Thanks to him, I didn't even know if I would still be able to give my brother the first thing I had actually thought of, but then I just shrugged, getting rid of the idea that he wouldn't like it. I mean, I'm his favorite little sister right ? What can I do which is not perfect ? I don't know either.

POV Philip

I didn't even know why I did that. I guess it was just a spur of  the moment. But then again, I was trying to convince myself that it was not worth thinking it over. It's had been five days, and she still hadn't texted me...  Even John had looked surprised when I told him I had offered a girl I didn't even know to show up at her brother's birthday.  

"Dude. You need to stop thinking about it. She has probably already forgotten about you and you'll never see her again." That's what I kept telling myself over and over again. And the worst part was that I couldn't ever persuade myself that I didn't care. Because I did. And that was totally sick from me. Because she was eighteen and I was twenty-seven. Furthermore, I didn't even know her name.

I could have been lost in my thoughts, walking around my room the whole day, the whole week if I had not received a text. Her text. The one I had been waiting for the last five days. But my hopes which were brought up by the single ring produced by my phone were brought down again while reading it.

POV Lydie

I had spend the last five days thinking of him. That was terribly stupid. I had met him once... well technically twice but still... anyway, I had met him once or twice but I couldn't get him out of my head. It was like... I don't know how to explain it. I just couldn't wait seeing him again. But I knew that wouldn't be safe. Neither for him, for his career, nor for my mental health. I just knew I was starting to get a crush on this hot stranger-but-still-famous man, and I totally didn't want to fall in love. Moreover, It could never last more that a month and a half. The period of my trip. Well, if it could ever work out. Which was highly impossible because I was eighteen and he was...

"Baptiste ? "

" Yeah ? "

" Can I ask you something ? I mean, something other than what I'm already asking ? "

" Sure, don't worry, I'm prepared for your every bit of weirdness, I will survive"

" Thanks I appreciate that. Really, you don't know what it means to me"

" Oh probably the world. "

I just laughed before asking the actual question " Do you know how old CM Junk something is ? "

" CM What ? CM Punk ! My God Lydie, I can't believe you made such a stupid and obvious mistake"

I just shrugged, waiting for an answer, his nickname not really being my problem there. Oh, I had of course not told anybody about the encounter. 

" Well, I do know, but why would I tell you ? "

" Forget it, I'll just ask my baby"

"Stop calling your laptop like that, it's really creepy, and I was pulling your leg my dear sister, he's like twenty-seven, or twenty-eight. To old for ya', not like you care for that right ? I thought you wanted Hugh Jackman ?And that you didn't like wrestling..."

" I'm not a fan no, but thanks anyway, I have ..euh... things to do "

I left, hearing him laughing at me behind my back. Like always.

Why did I even ask anyway ? I was going to reject his offer right ? right, that would be the best for everyone. So I just told him that.

sorry euh... I'll just say Phillip okay ? Sir sounds too much like a teacher and CM Punk would be like you're just a wrestler so...

sorry Phillip, but thanks for the offer thought, but I think I'll have to refuse, that can't do any good to you, you can't just say hello to one of your fans for his birthday just because... I don't even know why. Like a spur of the moment. I really appreciate the fact that you've even suggested it.

bye, and I wish you good luck for what's to come in life, work and everything, 


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