Chapter 4: Meeting and the Curse of the King

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Title: I am the Alpha

Summary: Percy Jackson meets Teen Wolf

Moving to Beacon Hills for a change of wars and destruction
Percy meets his cousin Derek Hale again, and Percy gets a new adopted brother:
Isaac Lahey, and with trouble always following him, and with secrets of his things will get bloody.Especially when Percy gets bitten.

P.J.O Characters: Percy J, Sally J/B. Paul B, Nico A, Thalia G,

P.J.O/H.O.O Characters: Jason G, Hazel L, Reyna A, Frank Z,

Godly Characters: Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Dionysus

Secondary godly Characters: Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto,
Mercury, Bacchus

Wolf Characters: Derek H, Scott MC, Stiles S, Erica, Peter H, Lydia, Allison A,
Chris A, Aiden, Ethan, Melissa MC, Sheriff S, Deaton, Jackson, Isaac L

Titans: Kronos, Hyperion, Iapetus, Krios, Atlas

Primordial: Anake, Chronus,

Language: English

Rated: t (Will be lemons in chapters)

Genre: Romance/ Adventure

Main Pairings: Kronos/Percy- Derek/Scott- Iapetus/Hyperion-

Secondary pairings: Sally/Paul

A/N 1: this is written with
Yassen Gregorovich Cossack.5/ James D- Because I can't write Lemons

A/N 2: I would like to thank: and. They have helped me write more because they asked for more, I had gotten ill messages about my story so thank you, : )


Chapter 4: Curse and Meeting the King


Kronos froze time and left him, Percy and the alpha unfrozen.

"YOU!" Kronos scowled and backhanded the man, who rolled and went into a crouch growling. "I told you to protect him!"

"Kronos! Stop please, it's okay!" Percy pleaded in the old tongue and saw his cousin look at him as if he was crazy. "Please, you promised."

Kronos scowled and yanked the teen over to him and looked at the man on the floor.

"You'll get your curse soon Hale


Red and a dark purple fought for dominance as Nyx and Erebus covered the earth, and Artemis brought out the moon, while Apollo was letting the sunset, their chariots hidden by the mist that Iris and the Titaness of the crossroads protected, from the weaker beings.

So among them, a man created by a curse set by Zeus ran along the shores of Poseidon's domain. River Naiads swam in the water making it ripple with flicks of their legs as they raced, dashed and played water games.

Derek Hale raced in the woods alone, tree nymphs that he usually never saw waved to him, and it made him tremble from the things hidden from him. Percy, his cousin, had taught them as much as he could about the Mythology's, and they the pack taught Percy how to survive the world as a werewolf.


"Artemis, she is the one who hunts werewolves, rouge ones, usually in the "Kings" pack. They kill without remorse, taking mortals and biting them." Percy said and pointed to the book.

It showed a woman with silver hair and eyes, with a band of teenage girls around her.

"See her?" Percy pointed.

It was a girl with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes; she wore silver with a tiara in her hair.

"Yes," Scott said.

"That is my cousin, her name is Thalia, and she is the lieutenant of the Hunt, when Artemis is gone on Olympus she is in charge."


So with that in mind Derek sat by the shores of the river and waited, for his thoughts to catch up to where he was, with that done, he closed his eyes, only to open them as a bright light, and even with eyes closed he could see.

"Mutt, you are to come with me," power rang through the words spoken.

"And if I don't?" Derek asked.

"Suffer the punishment of my brother, most likely you won't live..."

"Will I get to see my captor?"

"Ugh! You are disgusting; I won't do THAT, with you, just come, my name is Hyperion."

Scowling Derek let his wolf features disappear, standing up with his hands raised. "Good boy" the figure mocked and the light vanished.

Looking up Derek saw the titan with slightly golden and slightly on fire armour, a sword at his side sheathed, black curled hair was messy and his eyes golden.

"I'm Hyperion, off to see Kronos now!" smiling the titan reached forwards took hold of the man's shoulders and then flashed them off to their temporary quarters.

"YOU!" Kronos shouted and stood up from his throne, "you let my Perseus, get bitten! EVEN AFTER I TOLD YOU TO PROTECT HIM!"

Derek choked back a whimper of submission, this man; no titan was surging with power, it filled the room, and made him gag.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't tell pretty lies" (1) Kronos growled. "Its time for your Curse."

Sitting back down Kronos smiled his golden eyes were cruel and hard while he looked down at the werewolf, it made Derek wonder what his cousin Percy; saw in this man to be with him romantically...

"You shall be my guard dogs; you shall serve under Othrys, and protect everyone to the best of your ability, even its kings. Your pack is in with this as well, and when they die, you will come back from Tartarus like all immortal beings." Kronos said and began his curse. "In Chaos's name I curse the wolf and werewolves, to be Othrys' protectors, no other wolf may harm it because they are under my control I seal it with the blood of the wolf lineage Hale's, and the king of Othrys: Lord Kronos."

With that using a dagger, Kronos took his hand, and the mutts gave the knife to Hyperion, and he cut them, squeezing his hands Kronos brought them into a circle, and the blood was sealed.

Howling Derek crumpled to the floor as the immortals ichor went into his bloodstream.

"Send him to Hygieia (2), and she will help him" with that Kronos flashed to his chambers.

A/n: right number 1 is from a song called: IDFC, by a black bear, and number 2 is a goddess of healing, I have decided that she sides with the tians in the war.


I Am The Alpha- CrossoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin