Chapter 3: Meeting and Secrets

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Title: I am the Alpha

Summary: Percy Jackson meets Teen Wolf

Moving to Beacon Hills for a change of wars and destruction
Percy meets his cousin Derek Hale again, and Percy gets a new adopted brother:
Isaac Lahey, and with trouble always following him, and with secrets of his. Things will get bloody. Especially when Percy gets bitten.

P.J.O Characters: Percy J, Sally J/B. Paul B, Nico A, Thalia G,

P.J.O/H.O.O Characters: Jason G, Hazel L, Reyna A, Frank Z,

Godly Characters: Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Dionysus

Secondary godly Characters: Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto,
Mercury, Bacchus

Wolf Characters: Derek H, Scott MC, Stiles S, Erica, Peter H, Lydia, Allison A,
Chris A, Aiden, Ethan, Melissa MC, Sheriff S, Deaton, Jackson, Isaac L

Titans: Kronos, Hyperion, Iapetus, Krios, Atlas

Primordial: Anake, Chronus,

Language: English

Rated: t (Will be lemons in chapters)

Genre: Romance/ Adventure

Main Pairings: Kronos/Percy- Derek/Scott- Iapetus/Hyperion-

Secondary pairings: Sally/Paul

A/N: I am so sorry that I have not been updating!!! I have school, we have been moving, and I am looking for a job, and that fact I am trying to finish up my school work and all!!
Lol Thanks for still reading!!!

A/N: this was written with Yassen Gregorovich Cossack.5/ James D- Because I can't write Lemons


Chapter 3: Meeting and Secrets

*Last Chapter*

("Meet me in the forest at 10:30 pm... I will be waiting.")

"Ok będę tam."

("Okay I will be there")

I look to Derek to see if he understood what was just transpired, that I had heard with my werewolf hearing.

"I don't understand" he whispered, and I frown.

Percy looks up and see's us staring at him, and he looks down.

"That was a friend, sorry I need to go, I will be back mom."

and he is gone, just like that, with a kiss on her cheek.

"Do I want to know?"



Derek Hale was with his mate Scott and the pack, they were running in the forest when they heard a shout of pain, and the wolves slowly moved to the sound.

There, Derek's cousin and Isaac's new brother lay sprawled on the ground, his head had a bruise on it, and there was blood pouring down his chest.

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