Chapter 5: Finding Hales Part 1

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Chapter 5: Finding Hales Part 1

Hot with the big fireplace and warm as his body burned from the inside out the room what he had been transported to and had been forced to kneel before the man who had golden eyes. The others had laughed at his pain, but he could still sense that they were scared of the man with golden eyes.

Derek Hale watched as the man with black hair and golden eyes stare at the drink he held.

It was bitter but sweet at the same time.

"I like it, do you know what it's called mortal?" Kronos asked and tilted the cup until some would slide down his raw throat.

It was raw because he had been screaming as the Titans ichor began to run through his veins. Making his body burn and spasm. He had asked them why it was hurting.

Kronos paced in front of his throne and watched as the young man lay spasming on the ground, his eyes flashing red and green.

"Why, does it hurt?!" he demanded and winced as he tried to sit up.

"You have immortal blood in your veins from me, and your body is rejecting it. Just relax." Kronos said and sneered.

"Well?" Kronos demanded. Breaking Derek out of his thoughts.

"Apple juice... It's got good vitamins for the body."

"Right, well thanks, now keep still. Percy is looking for you." Kronos motioned to one of the many titans in the room to heal him.

This one had silver hair, and a bow slung over his shoulder. He didn't talk just put his fi her to his lips, and that was all Derek saw before he passed out cold.

Percy Jackson stared at the small pack as they looked in the places that Derek liked, not finding him, they raced to the woods, sniffing out their alpha. The man wasn't in the woods, but the consort of Kronos had a fantastic smell, from taking immortal blood in him. He smelt another werewolf, and he raced off to the scent."Well, well well, lookie who has come back!"

Looking up the pack saw Peter Hale standing there hands messy from the kill he had just made, a dead deer lay on its side, and Peter had his claws out.

"Uncle Peter!" Percy grinned and rushed to hug his family and pack mate.

"Uncle Peter?" they mouthed looking at one another.

"What are you doing here Peter?! I thought Derek killed you!" Scott yelled fists clenched in anger.

"Someone I know brought me back to life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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