Chapter 2: Seeing Derek and Dinner

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Title: I am the Alpha

Summary: Percy Jackson meets Teen Wolf

Moving to Beacon Hills for a change of wars and destruction
Percy meets his cousin Derek Hale again, and Percy gets a new adopted brother:
Isaac Lahey, and with trouble always following him, and with secrets of his own
things will get bloody...Especially when Percy gets bitten.

P.J.O Characters: Percy J, Sally J/B. Paul B, Nico A, Thalia G,

P.J.O/H.O.O Characters: Jason G, Hazel L, Reyna A, Frank Z,

Godly Characters: Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Dionysus

Secondary godly Characters: Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto,
Mercury, Bacchus

Wolf Characters: Derek H, Scott MC, Stiles S, Erica, Peter H, Lydia, Allison A,
Chris A, Aiden, Ethan, Melissa MC, Sheriff S, Deaton, Jackson, Isaac L

Titans: Kronos, Hyperion, Iapetus, Krios, Atlas

Primordial: Anake, Chronus,


Rated t (Will be lemons in chapters)

Romance/ Adventure

Main Pairings: Kronos/Percy- Derek/Scott- Iapetus/Hyperion-

Secondary pairings: Sally/Paul

A/N: this is written with
Yassen Gregorovich Cossack.5/ James D- Because I can't write Lemons


Chapter 2: Seeing Derek and Dinner

*last chapter*


"NO! I don't like you! I hate you! And if I could I will kill you! Don't come near, me again!"

Pausing in his stride to the teen he stared at her.

"What happened to the woman I loved?"

"She grew in her head, knows that a son of Poseidon and Athena will never do!" she sneered Poseidon like it was the worst of the curses.

"Don't... we can make it work."

"No, because I was never yours and you were never mine."


Sally POV

I showed Isaac his room, and he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"What is wrong?" I ask and smile again.

I seem to be doing that a lot.

"Do I have to move to New York with you guys?" Isaac runs a hand through his blond curls.

"Hades no! We moved because my son had past dramas and it wasn't working out with his old girlfriend... don't tell him I told you, he wants to forget her. What she did..." I shudder and look away and look up into Paul's eyes as he leans down to comfort me.

Just then the door opens, and my son stands there, Derek by his side.

"Hey, Sally!" Derek rushes forwards and yanks me into a hug.

"Put me DOWN!!!" I squeal and laugh as my nephew gives me a bright smile.

"Missed you, have not seen you in years. Paul, I trust you are treating my aunt well?" Paul nods.

"Percy would kick my a** if I wasn't."

Percy laughs, and I usher them to the table.

"Sorry, we have take out. I didn't feel like cooking." I state and lay out the plates as Percy grabs the soup, spilling some on his hands and he doesn't flinch.

"Per-" Isaac begins, and my son looks up.

"Something wrong?" he cocks his head.

"Umm... you got hot soup all over your hands." Derek states.

"OH!!! Ouch?"

Isaac POV

I stare at the boy that is older than me by 5 months, he just got f*ing scalded by freaking hot soup, and he says ouch? Like it was no big deal!

"Did that just happen?" I whisper to Derek and see him nod his head slightly.

"Something isn't right." He whispers back, and I see Percy's eyes going back and forth between his cousin and me.

Like he knows something, just then the phone rings.

"I got it!" Percy shoots forwards at speed only an alpha werewolf could muster.

„Perseus? crazy to you?"

„Hej, zastanawiałem się, kiedy jechaliśmy zadzwoń! Możesz też po prostu uratował mine od bardzo trudnej sytuacji!

(Hey, I was wondering when you were going to call! You also just saved me from a complicated situation!)

"Spotkajmy się w lesie o 10:30 pm ... I będzie czekał".

("Meet me in the forest at 10:30 pm... I will be waiting.")

"Ok będę tam"

("Okay I will be there")

I look to Derek to see if he understood what was just transpired, that I had heard with my werewolf hearing.

„I don't understand" he whispered, and I frown.


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