Chapter 5 - My first world meeting is a disaster

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Note: this chapter gets kinda dark- warning for swearing, Kidnapping, and violence.

"You're being serious? I can go?" you yell in an excited manner. "Yeah," Berwald answered. You yelled out "Thank you!" as you gave each of them a hug. "we thought you had enough training to take care of yourself in worst case scenario, so you better start packing!" Mathias grinned "packing?" you tilted your head slightly in question. "this one is hosted by Germany. so the meeting is in Germany." Emil explained. "oh. when do we go?" you asked, "in 4 hours." you run upstairs to pack.

you fell asleep on the airplane from being woken up so early, so before you knew it you were in Berlin, Germany. you made it through airport security alright, rented a car, and drove to a hotel. They had reserved 3 hotel rooms- Lukas and Mathias in 324, Tino and Berwald in 325, you and Emil in 326. "Okay guys, we have an hour to relax before the meeting." Mathias said happily. "great. please keep it down so we actually can relax."Emil said as he rolled his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Mathias said indignantly. "at least you don't have to share a room with him," Lukas said with slight annoyance in his voice. "Lukas! not you too," Mathias added with a frown.

You went to your room with Emil. you were watching YouTube on a laptop and he was listening to music, probably nightcore. "hey Emil?" you asked, looking at him "yes?" he responded, not even taking off his headphones "what if they don't like me?" you asked. You knew it was childish, but you couldn't help being nervous. "why wouldn't they like you?" "well, I haven't talked to anyone besides you 5 for the last seven years or so," you pointed out. "hey, we just don't want Luciano or any of the other 2!P's to hurt you. you don't know him like we do," he said defensively. "but still! Seven years seem a little excessive. and what is a 2!P anyway?! I deserve to know!" "well they are basically us, except evil and opposite. Finlands is the root of all evil, Sweden is always smiling and talkative, Denmarks is quiet and smokes, Norway's is a psycho who likes fire, and my 2!p is cheerful and optimistic, yet arrogant." he explained. "that makes sense. so who should I talk to as the meeting?" "It doesn't matter, but I would recommend Poland. you would probably get along." he advised. "Thank you for being honest to me," you said to Emil. "It means a lot." He smiled faintly. "No problem, kiddo." Content, you went back to Markiplier who was searching for a blacksmith.

"Are we there yet?" you groaned. "Listen (y/n), we will be there soon," Lukas said, exasperated. "You said that twenty minutes ago," you groaned again "But this time, we're actually here!" Tino blurted as he pointed to a two story building that looked to be a little bit bigger than a high school. "Oh, so this is the meeting hall," you mused. Truthfully, it wasn't what you were expecting- you had envisioned a giant stone cathedral or something similar. "It's only one of many. there's one in America, France, England, China, and Italy as well." Emil chuckled a little. You all went inside, and your brothers picked seats at a desk that stretched across a long room. Following their example, you sat next to Iceland. The seat next you wasn't currently reserved, so you hoped someone friendly would sit there. you walk around the room, looking around. There are a lot of other countries there already, so it's kind of crowded when all of a sudden someone grabs your waist and pulls you to them. "bonjour." he says in a french accent. he has blond hair that goes to his shoulders and he's tall- you blush. "I don't remember seeing you here before. I wouldn't forget such a pretty face." he whispers the last part in your ear. "w-would y-you let g-go of me you pervert?!" you punch him in the arm, even though you could tell it was all in fun. "HA! nice one, dudette!" you hear a man behind you say. "France, dude you had that coming to you," he told the other guy. "Hello, I'm America, and this guy over here is France," he said with a grin. "I'm Greenland," you said, smiling. This guy had an infectious cheerfulness that made you like him already. "WHAT?! no way! didn't you, like, disappear years ago?" he asked with a look of genuine surprise. "that's what my brothers say." you said with a nervous laugh. "whoah, dude! you have got to tell me the story sometime!" he exclaimed "sure." he handed you a little slip of paper with a phone number on it. "Promise to text me later, ok?" "will do America." you shot him a smile and walked off. then a guy with amber eyes and a curl that stuck out of his head came up to you. "hello-a Belle ragazza~! you're new, right?" he asked kindly and enthusiastically. His accent reminded you of Mario. "um... yes?" he took your hand and dragged you across the room to a man who looked pretty serious. He had bright blue eyes, blond, slicked back hair, and a german accent. "DOITSU DOITSU!" the Italian yelled as he got closer to the German. "Yes, Italy vhat is it?" he said as he turned in your direction." it's a beautiful girl," he said as he pointed to you. "h-hi, I'm Greenland," you said quietly. "oh vell it is nice to meet you. I'm Germany und zhis is Italy." Then, in the distance, you could hear a second german voice coming closer. "Out of my vay! I am ze awesome Prussia!" he stopped at Germany. You looked and saw a strong, albino man with a cross necklace. "Hey Vest! who is zhis chick?" he asked as he pointed to you. "*sigh* Greenland, zhis is my Bruder Prussia," he said in an annoyed voice. "nice to meet you Prussia," you said with a smile. with that, you walked back to your seat. you looked to your left to find that the seat was taken by a guy that looked close to your age. he had green eyes with blond hair that went to his chin, and he was looking right back at you. "you're gorgeous! I'm Poland but you can just call me Feliks, and this is Lithuania." He said, pointing to a second guy next to him. "Thanks, I'm Greenland! So how long are these meetings?" You asked tilting your head slightly. "They are about 2-5 hours long." He said dismissively, spinning his swivel chair. "But it's like already 4:00!" You said surprised. "Well, it just depends on how many manners we discuss and how long it takes to get through them all. You can sleep- you won't miss much." He said rolling his eyes with a smile. "So what happened to Greenland? Please tell me where did you go?" He asked with a smirk. "I'll tell you later, it looks like The meeting's about to start."

You were 2 hours into the meeting and it was boring as fuck. Why had you wanted to go, again? First you talked about global warming, and then economics, and it just went on and on. You nudged Iceland "hey, is it ok if I go to the bathroom?" You whispered and he answered with a nod. Going to the bathroom, it took a while to find it because the place was pretty big. You had just left the bathroom when you thought you saw someone out of the corner of your eye. Glancing around, you felt a growing sense of unease. Shrugging it off, you started to find your way back to the meeting room when a cloth was pressed against your face. You started to struggle, but the sweet scent of chloroform filled your consciousness and it all slowly turned dark.


"psst, Norway, (y/n) has been gone for a long time now. should we start to worry?" Iceland whispered to Norway. "you can look for her if you want." "If she's not back soon I will. do you think it was the 2P's?" Iceland asked nervously. "they would be crazy to come to a world meeting." "I guess you're right. I'm probably just overreacting, but I will still look for her later." Iceland said. "Okay," Norway agreed.

Your P.O.V.

you woke up on a cold, concrete floor. The room was pretty dimly lit, but you could see the steel door. You tried to move, only to find that you were being held back by chains on your neck and wrists. "w-what's happening?" you ask yourself out loud, shaking in terror and trying to collect your memories. You had been... at the world meeting? And you had gotten bored and left to use the bathroom. You vaguely remember being scared, then darkness. Suddenly, a sinister Italian voice rang out across the room. "you're going to make me a lot of money, Greenie." You jumped at the sound of his voice. Luciano. "Tell me why I'm here," you demanded, trying to hide your terror. "He smirked. In half an hour or so, I am going to take you somewhere. You will then be auctioned off to the highest bidder." "What?! Get away from me!" You screeched, backing up until your back was pressed up against the wall. He tutted with mock disappointment. "I guess I'll have to make the rules clear," he sneered sadistically, grabbing your arm. "Rule number one. You will not try to escape," he growled. Shaking like a leaf, you look away, staring at the dirty floor. God, you did not want to know what had caused those stains. "Rule number two," grinned Luciano. You looked away, shaking. "You will not struggle, and you will obey orders." You gathered up the courage to look back, and you spit at him. "Like hell I will! The nordics will know I'm missing, find me, and come after you in a heartbeat! And that's three rules idiot!" You roared. A look of anger flitted across his face before he regained his twisted composure. "I see. You want to skip straight to the part where you find out what happens when you misbehave? It will be my pleasure to show you. He held your arm steady, and before you could comprehend your mistake, you felt the sharp sting of cold steel splitting your skin. Screaming, you tried to lurch away but your back hit the wall. "Rule number three," he continued calmly, as if he wasn't cutting into your fucking arm. "If you disobey, if you struggle, if you break the rules, you will be in for a world-" he cut a little deeper, "-of-" he twisted the knife cruelly, "-hurt." He withdrew the knife and admired his handiwork. "I think it looks rather nice, all things considered," he smiled, a gleaming look of madness in his eyes. Horrified, you looked at your bloodied arm... and Luciano had carved the word ' obey ' into your arm. "you are the country of Greenland, as you know." he continued,"but you disappeared for some time, thus your 2P disappeared. therefore, you are very valuable, but I have no use for you. so I'm going to sell you to a different 2P." he finished. You felt fear coil in the pit of your stomach. What was going to happen to you?


Iceland just sat down at his seat. "psst! guys, she's not in the building." Iceland said. "WHAT?!" Denmark yelled, making all the other countries stare. "yo, dude, is everything alright?" America questioned. "GREENLAND ISN'T HERE!" he yelled. "well she wouldn't just leave." England reassured them. "what if it wasn't her choice to leave?" Japan wondered aloud. "what if it was the 2Ps?" England asked nervously, remembering the past event. "why do they want her so badly?" Tino asked in a worried tone. America sighed solemnly. "I don't know, but when it comes to 2Ps, it can't be anything good."

The long lost sister (Hetalia Nordics x reader x 2p Nordic)Where stories live. Discover now