Chapter 8 - bittersweet brothers

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The clock struck midnight and you could finally hear the snores of Allen in the room next to you. Silently, you pressed your ear against the wall. Everyone was definitely asleep. Cautiously, you opened the door, careful not to make a sound as you were about to take a step out into the hallway. You almost shrieked when you saw Matt sitting outside your room, asleep with your foot hanging above his body. You held your breath, grasped by the far-fetched idea that he could hear your racing heart. Brushing the notion aside, you stepped over him before you tiptoed past him towards the stairs. you carefully crept down the stairs, placing one foot in front of the other. once you made it down the stairs you carefully opened the back door that led to the woods. You slipped out the door then once you made it to the tree line of the forest, you bolted. you were running but you only made it about half a mile away from the house when you felt someone grab the collar of your shirt yanking you back and the man put a hand over your mouth to prevent you from screaming. you try biting his finger but then you hear him loudly whisper "chill dude or we're both getting caught! It's me Alfred." you stopped. 'IT WAS ALFRED! but it looked like Allen'. "you going to be calm now dudette?" he asked and you nodded, so he let you go. "Alfred, how did you get here? are my brothers ok? why do you look like Allen? when did you-" your questions get cut off. "whoah dude one question at a time!" he pulled out a radio. "Hero to bushie eyes, the eagle has got the package. I repeat the eagle has got the package over." he talks into the radio as he picked you up and carried you. "we don't have code names, wanker! just bring her back to base." you could hear Arthur say from the other end of the radio after he sighed. "roger." Alfred said back. "so now question time. what happened to your eye?" he asked looking into your red eye. "well I had to trade sight in one of them for a leg because of 2P! you and 2P! Canada. they cornered me when I was forced to play hide and go stab and I stepped into a bear trap and the only way to get my leg healed was to trade sight in one of my eyes but something happened and now I can only see out of this red one." you explained. "Iggy can probably give you your sight back in that eye. he's good at magic and stuff like that." Alfred laughed a bit. "are my brothers doing ok?" you asked concernedly. "yeah they are fine they are just really worried about you. how did you get that carved in your arm?" he asked "Luciano." You glared as you said his name, "he also shocked me with a collar. why are you here?" "ouch that has to hurt. Oh, I'm here to rescue you because I'm the hero," he said pointing his thumb at himself with a smile. "wait how did you even know I was with the FACE family?" you ask suspiciously. "well I could hear you scream for them to go away when I was trying to figure out if you were here or not." then both of you could hear footsteps of five people. 'it couldn't have been FACE! there are only 4 of them! oh please don't be a threat I miss my brothers and just want to go home' you were surrounded by dark figures. "hey Alfie did you by any chance bring my brothers with you?" you asked nervously. "why in fact he led us right to you." you could hear a voice say in a cocky tone that sounded similar to Lukases voice. "nononononononononono!" Alfred started to spit out in a worried tone. "we're dead! We're so very, very dead!" he continued. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF AL!" you yell. "he has a reason to be scared you know." one of the other figures said sounding just like Tino except less caring. "n-no you can't be-" you start to say. "but we are! now we will be taking you sister if you don't mind." A different one said sounding like Berwald. "I WON'T LET YOU! AS THE HERO I WILL PROTECT HER!" Alfred said holding you in a defensive way. "oh that's so cute! he thinks he can save her!" Lukas's 2P! said in a mocking way. "WHY DOES EVERONE WANT ME?!" you yell in anger because you can't go back home. "well probably because you're a 1.5P!" Emils 2P! said. "a w-what?" you ask with a bit of fear in your voice. "did the 1Ps not tell you? well, when a country's 2P disappears it has to go somewhere so your both 1P and 2P and no one's really sure how stable that parson is because it hasn't happened before you! Because those lousy excuse for brothers somehow let you out of their sight and lost you." Emils 2P explained. "well I think its time to leave!" 2P Sweden said walking toward you and Alfred with a smile on his face. Alfred blocks him from you but he was easily pushed aside. "G-GET BACK!" you yell as he walked closer. you look over to Alfred but only to see that he was being restrained by 2P Denmark and 2P Finland. "RUN!" you hear Alfred yell so you did so without hesitation and you could hear all 5 of them chasing after you. you could hear them slowly catching up. 'wait, if they are chasing me where's Alfred?! did they kill him? did he run away?' you wonder but then you get tackled by 2P! Sweden. you try to wiggle away but it's no use given the too tight of a hold he had on you.

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