Chapter 7 - I go face to face with F.A.C.E.

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Your P.O.V.

you wake up in a room on a bed with white sheets and red walls. your arm was sore from the scar, causing you looked at it, only to remember what Luciano carved in your arm. Obey.the word echoed through your head. What would these new 2!ps want you to do? What would they do if you didn't comply? you get up and walk to the door of the room. it was unlocked, so you tentatively stepped out. You were on the top floor of this house- you could tell by the window in your room. Pausing, you sniffed the air. What was that sweet smell? You followed it down the stairs.  when you got to the last step, you saw a man with strawberry blond hair, but you can't see much of him- his back is turned to you. he had unsurprisingly red oven mitts on and he was pulling blue cupcakes out of the oven and placing them on a stove, humming a cheerful song. you walked over to a counter top in the middle of the kitchen to get a better look at him. When he turned around and saw you, he jumped, not expecting you to be there. "oh why hello there little poppet!" he said in a cheerful voice. he had eyebrows like Arthur, a bright blue tie, a purple sweater vest over a pink shirt, and blue eyes with an odd hint of pink. "I'm Oliver Kirkland!" he said with a smile. "would you care for a cupcake?" he offered, his smile growing by the second. "okay?" you said, nervously taking the cupcake from him. his smile had an... eerie vibe to it as you were about to take a bite. "I wouldn't eat that if I were you." you hear a voice behind you say. you turn around to see Matt leaning against the open doorway with his arms crossed. "Why?" you drawled out in response, pulling the cupcake away from your face. "there's probably poison," he stated, chuckling to himself a bit. "oh don't worry poppet~" Oliver butted in. "I only put poison in my 'special' cupcakes." "I-I think I'll wait 'till later to eat one," you lied, slowly setting the cupcake on the counter. Oliver frowned. "so why am I here?" you questioned looking around for possible escapes. "well doll face your main purpose is to piss off the 1P's. but you also have a great body." Al said with a smirk as he walked down the stairs. "Ugh. That's disgusting!"you cringed. "Hey! She's mine!" Matt yelled, "I'm the one who bought her!" "Yeah, and a fourth of the money you bought her with was mine, you asshole!" "swear jar, Matt!" Oliver appeared with a jar. Matt rolled his eyes and put a dollar in the jar. then Oliver backed out and the jar disappeared. "Yeah, well a fourth of it was mine, too!" Al continued. you started to tune them out when they asked you a question. "(Y/n)!" they yelled. "W-what?!" you panicked. "which do you think is better? Hockey or-" Matt was cut off by Al. "Baseball." they waited for a response. Dumbfounded, you started to answer. Were they always like this? "well, I'm not sure. My brothers and I played Hockey but I haven't played Baseball before." "THEN SHE HAS TO PLAY BASEBALL FIRST!" Al yelled, yanking on your elbow. "NO THIS MEANS SHE LIKE HOCKEY MORE SO I GET HER FIRST!" Matt yelled, yanking on your other elbow. "WOULD YOU BOTH JUST SHUT UP?!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. they held on to your arms, but at least they stopped playing tug-of-war with you. "I don't want to 'hang out' with either of you," you growled. Oliver pouted. "okay, maybe Oliver. He seems nice, UNLIKE YOU PSYCHOS!" Oliver's face lit up like a candle. "Oh, that's so good to hear, poppet. I guess she will hang out with me first," he said cheerfully. "well it's not like I have anything else to do because I'm still kidnapped!" you yelled back at the two brothers as the toothy grinned Brit dragged you to a different room.

"now before we start you need to put this on!" he said with the cutest face. he held up a pink puffy dress. You weren't a fan of it, but Oliver was the nicest one here and you just couldn't say no to his innocent looking face that looked so hopeful, so you went into the bathroom and changed out of the dress from the night before and into the dress that you despised. you walked out of the bathroom with the dress on. "It's perfect for the theme! come on little poppet," he said happily as he led you to a door that was painted pastel pink and cotton candy blue. "what do you mean by 'theme'?" you questioned. "you will see." he smiled as he opened the door.

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