Chapter 2 - The reason I lived

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A/n: this contains blood

Denmark's P.O.V.
I was walking through the cold woods. I'm not entirely sure why I was there, I just thought it would be nice to be alone for a bit because the others are so loud. I mean I am too, or so they tell me, but even I need my alone time. All of a sudden I hear a loud noise. Being the adventurous spirit I am, I went to find the noise's source, hoping it was something cool! I strode forward... and stopped. There was a little girl -she had to be 8 maybe 9 years old- with (h/l) (h/c) hair lying crumpled, unmoving at the base of a cliff. I rushed to her, checking for a pulse, hoping more than anything else that there'd be one. She had a weak pulse, but at least she was alive. I tried to shake her awake, but then I saw the weeping gash on the side of her head. It must have been the rock she landed on. I didn't know what to do- but someone else might. I trusted my instincts, picked her up to cradle in my arms as I ran for the house.

Your P.O.V.
The first thing you noticed as you came to was that you weren't on the snow. Immediately after, you felt the hot sting of pain from the gash in your scalp, making you seethe out in pain. Opening your eyes, you realized that a man was carrying you with spiky, blond hair and blue eyes. You were scared as you didn't know who this man was, but you were too weak and exhausted to protest. Even still, the questions raced through your mind. Am I safe? Can I trust him? Where is he taking me? As your vision blurred, you tried to open your mouth to ask, but your mind went fuzzy and you, once again, blacked out.

Finland's P.O.V.
I was just baking cookies when I heard the front door slam open. I jumped, about to ask Matthias again not to track snow into the house, but then Mathias screamed "TINO GET IN HERE, HURRY!" I dashed to the living room as fast as I could, not knowing what awaited me. Denmark was there and on the couch was a little girl who couldn't have been more than eight or nine years old. She was badly injured with a wide, red gash on her head. Not only that, but she was covered in scratches and scrapes. How could she have survived? She was so young! I gasped and ran to get a wet washcloth to wipe up the blood, not caring about the mess. I turned to Mathias. "how did this happen?!" he turned to my direction and replied, "I'm not entirely sure. I was walking in the woods. Then I heard a loud noise so I followed it, and she was there at the base of a cliff! I guess she fell off?" He sounded somewhat frantic. I sighed as I finished wiping off the blood. The wound wasn't as bad as I had previously thought, but it still needed stitches. I rummaged around for a needle and thick thread, "Okay hold her as still as you can," I started to stitch up the wound, going as fast yet gentle as possible. When I was finally done, I carried her to the guest bedroom and set her down on the bed. Lying there, she looked so peaceful. I turned to leave, then paused. Even in icy weather like this, it's pretty hard to not notice a dropoff like that. There was only one reason I could think of for a someone to be tearing through the woods so desperately and recklessly. Was she running from something? And if she was... what was she so afraid of?

I was waiting in the kitchen for the others to come home. then I heard a knock on the door, and, knowing it was them, answered it. "What is it? You said it was urgent," asked Emil. I sat them on the couch and, painstakingly, recounted everything that had happened. "so we're kidnappers now?" queried Emil. Mathias butted in. "what! of course not! we took a little girl to our house to help her because she was about to die! That's not kidnapping, it's saving her life!" Lukas strangled Mathias with his tie and said, in an annoyed voice, "shut up, you stupid Dane." Ignoring their antics, Berwald asked, "so what do we do with te' girl?" Tino replied in a somewhat saddened tone, "We'll find her family and return her of course! What else would we do?" Mathias grinned impishly, "We could keep her!" Lukas returned to strangling him. "We can't do that, you idiot! we're countries, and she probably has a family that's worried sick!"
"Can't we just talk this over in the morning? I'm tired," yawned Emil. They all agreed, deciding to resume the discussion tomorrow. Even then, Tino lay awake. Everyone was basing their ideas off the assumption that she had a loving family to go back to. But he had seen, as he was washing off the blood, some older bruises. Was it possible that she had been running away from... her house? Her... family? His heart broke at the thought of a child so young in a situation like that. Disturbed, Tino tossed and turned until finally he drifted into a restless sleep.

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