Feburary 2nd, 2011

168 4 0

Happy groundhogs day. I have off school becuse of the ice outside. Binge AND purge mothafuka. I swear to god I can't live my life like this, b/c it won't be a very long one. I did it twice yeaterday, Marie caught me last nigth. Then this morning. It was the biggest binge I've gone on in a LONG time. I want this to be my last time. I hereby declare groundhog day to be the last time I ever purge. My gums are beginning to recede, my tongue is scabbed, and I taste metal all the time. I want it to stop here before I drown in my own blood and my teeth fall out of my face. The more I purge, the more I binge, the fatther I get. My life is worth more than this, I know that much. I wanna look back at this point as my lowest. What a sight, me, on the basement floor, crying, bleeding, face covered in vommit, with a 10 lb. bucket of puke before me. I have high hopes for Lexapro or Prozac, mostly out of desperation. I. Want. To. Live. I don't want to be fat, toothless, and dead 5 years from now. I do not want to binge ever again. But most importantly I DO NOT WANT TO PURGE. K I'm gonna go have some miso soup.

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