January 21st, 2011

324 6 0

6:49 Am

MEGA binge last night, and an even bigger one this morning. I am addicted to sugar. I think eating 20 pieces of gum a day may have started this though. Sooo ashamed, thank god Marie is so forgiving. I'm afraid I will never be able to eat sugar again. I love fruit too much! Didn't throw up though, I suppose that's good. I can feel the fat accumulating on my thighs though. God please help me! I don't want this to be my life. 2 hour delay for school, but I REALLY don't want to go. I'll see if I can get out of it. I'm currently so bloated and full, I'm crouching on the ground. I can't stand. I'm crying. I hope one day I look back on this entry and smile. Love <3

8:13 Am:

I had a dream about Mrs. Shrek. She had a wig on, and I did too. I also remember the neighbors dog chasing me. It shit all over the backyard. Dogs chasing me seems to be a reoccurant theme in my dreams. WTF does it mean?!?

10:42 Am

 I stayed home afterall.

Threw up some.

Planning on throwing up a little more.

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