Chapter 20 (epilogue)

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Everest looked over at me and smirked, making me purse my lips slightly. Nodding slightly, he saw my signal and snuck forward. He made sure not to shuffle his feet and then when he was behind the woman, he pushed her and bolted into the crowd.

Everyone watched in slow motion as Mrs. Strutt toppled over and then fell into the fountain. She gasped as she sat there soaking wet and then everyone burst out laughing. I was chuckling as well when I felt the familiar presence beside me and he leaned against my shoulder. Holding out my fist to him, he smirked and bumped it.

People were looking at us in slight awe but they didn't make it obvious as Mrs. Stutt shouted and huffed about us being insolent children. And just like that, the field trip was canceled. I mean, there was like one person that wanted to be here, Liam, so I didn't feel bad.

"Hey Atlas," Emma Dawson said with a coy smile, looking at me with big blue eyes while she twirled her finger in her hair. Everest scoffed and pulled me into the seat beside him.

"He's not interested!" he exclaimed bluntly and the poor girl blushed furiously before rushing away. I looked to my twin brother in amusement.

"That was rude," I said and he just shrugged.

"Whatever," he said and looked back to me with the same gray eyes as mine. "Since mom and dad think we won't be home until four, I was thinking..."

"Don't hurt yourself," I muttered which earned me a glare from Everest.

"We could head to Jordan's... He's hosting a little get together since we already said the field trip would be canceled," he said and for once it didn't sound too bad, so I agreed. Jordan was our only other close friend really, but there were also Jenny and Irena (the lesbian couple), Monty, Archer, and Brianna.

"Who else is coming?" I asked my brother, feeling a little hopeful.

"Yes, brother dearest, Abbie will be there," he said and poked my cheek. "So I'll screw her friend like always to keep her from interrupting."

"Such a good brother," I chuckled and he nodded with a boyish grin. It hadn't exactly been a secret to anyone that I liked Abbie but God, that girl was so fucking hard to get. Don't get me wrong, I loved the chase but I'd literally been chasing her for like a year.

The funny thing about Abbie is that she lived here before but moved away when she was 6 and then she came back, ten years later and what do you know, she's hot. Holy mother of Mary is she hot.

I always knew Abbie and I saw her once in a while even after she left because our parents supposedly went to high school together, which is why I knew I'd be neutered if I somehow messed shit up with this girl, but I just couldn't resist.

She was so goddamn beautiful.

"You're daydreaming again, aren't you?"

"Shut up," I huffed, crossing my arms.

"I bet you're thinking about her naked. Or maybe she's wearing sexy lingerie. It has to be red since it's your favorite color," he continued, teasing me. I covered his mouth with my hand and he just snickered before pushing it off.

We arrived back in school shortly after that and I ran to the car with Everest. The roof was down so we just jumped in and got out of there quickly, heading to Jordan's place. Once there, we didn't bother knocking and just went inside, going down to the basement since he had the whole basement to himself.

Then Everest and I both groaned.

"Dude, stop inviting our sister!" I exclaimed and glared daggers at Todd who had his arm slung over the back of the couch, leaning dangerously close to our little sister. Everest then simply jumped and squished himself between the two of them, giving Todd a nasty smile while his arm went around Indy.

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