Chapter 8

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Waking up alone was something I hadn't done in years. I was cold and didn't feel well rested. Sitting up in my bed, I looked around the room with a frown. I showered and just shrugged on some jeans, sneakers and a hoodie today, pulling my hair into a ponytail and going downstairs, skipping breakfast.

Something wasn't right.

I'd waited for Alex until 3 AM, when I realized he wasn't coming, I'd gone over to his window but it was shut and his room was empty. I'd been tempted to knock on the front door but didn't want to wake up his dad.

When I got out the door, I saw Alex's car, and so I stood by it, hugging myself.

The door opened and I looked up to see Alexio walk out drowsily, rubbing his eyes. As a change, I didn't smile when I saw him. When he looked up and saw me, he stopped walking for a moment and just looked back at me before he lowered his head and went over to me. I pursed my lips and sighed.

"Where were you?" I asked him quietly.

"I fell asleep on the couch with my dad..." he said and ruffled his messy bedhead. I chewed on the inside of my cheek for a moment before I reached up and fixed his hair like I did every morning and then I put my arms around his waist, my head resting on his chest as he pulled me close as well.

"I was worried something had happened to you," I admitted and he sighed and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry," he said and gave me a smile, but something was wrong. I nodded and got in his car with a slight frown. Something's not right...
We drove in silence and it worried me.

Once we reached school, I was sure he'd just get out but we both just sat there. Never in my life had I ever felt unsure around Alex but here we were, not sure what to say.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked and saw him tighten his grip on the steeringwheel.

"No... No, you didn't," he sighed and I felt a lump in my throat because I was even more worried than last night now. "Let's just go to school, Avery. We'll talk later," Alex mumbled and got out. I took a deep breath and tried to swallow the lump but it stayed lodged there all throughout the day. When it was PE, I told the teacher I wasn't feeling well and ended up just sitting in the corner outside of school, the one that was always empty.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and bent my head. Taking deep breaths, I tried to not cry but after a while my shoulders shook and I cried.

People left and the school emptied while I just cried by myself. I don't know why and I don't know for how long I stayed there but when I stood up the parking lot was empty except for the familiar black car. As I walked towards it, the door opened and Alexio stormed over to me.

"Okay, I have no idea what the hell is going on, but you can't just stop answering your phone! Simone said you didn't come to PE. I've been waiting for an hour and was about to call that prick, Adam, to ask if he knew where y-" He stopped shouting once I looked up and in seconds his arms went to my waist, and he lifted me up and into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and clung onto him, my face going into the crook of his neck.

Alexio held me tightly as we both held each other close. I let my fingers sink into the familiar hair and let the silky locks soothe my fingers that had been fidgety all day.

I felt his large hand under my hoodie and top, sliding over my bare skin.

"I can't not have you," I said and he nodded. "I don't want to lose you."

"You won't. Not unless you tell me to go, but I'll always be there," he said, his face buried in my hair as he started walking now.

"That will never happen." He chuckled and sat down on the hood of his car. I leaned back a little to look at his face while Alex moved a hand and stroked my cheeks briefly.

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