Chapter 4

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(Harry Styles as Adam Jayma)

I frowned in confusion was I was asked to go to the principal's office. But then I quickly realized it was only because there was a new student and I was one of their best ones, so I was given the task to make him feel welcome.

"I'm sorry you have to walk around with me. I'm Adam though," he said and offered me his hand. I gave him a smile and shook it, slightly shocked by his electric green eyes.

"Avery," I said in return and when he smiled, dimples formed on his cheeks which was adorable. "Everyone is going to love you." He chuckled and gave me a questioning look. "You're tall, you have dimples, you actually seem nice, so... You'll have loads of friends by the end of the day."

"Will you be one of them?" he asked and I opened my mouth only to close it again, giving him a short look. "If you become my friend... You'll be an outcast."

"I'm fine with that," he shrugged as we walked around the empty halls. I pointed to some different stuff and also showed him where all of his classes were, noticing we would have a few together. "Let's just go to lunch, everyone will be there soon."

We grabbed some food and I went to my usual table with Adam.

"So where are you moving from?" I wondered as people started to arrive and fill up empty seats.

"Oh, I've moved around a lot. My dad's in the army and he was stationed in Texas last, so that's where I was," he informed me and I nodded slowly, finding it all a little interesting.

"So you know a lot of people all over the place?" I questioned as I put some of the food in my mouth. Luckily the food wasn't absolutely disgusting today, it was actually quite good. The lunch here was usually either gruesome or delicious, not often average.

"Well yeah... It sucks though. I haven't had a girlfriend in like a year," he huffed, looking around at all the people that were arriving.

"I mean, that's not too bad. I had a heart failure as a kid, so my parents won't let me near boys. I've never had one boyfriend," I admitted and his eyes widened, looking at me in slight shock.

"Really? Like... It just stopped?" he wondered and I nodded.

"Pretty much. This uhm... 24-year-old woman was in a car accident that left her brain-dead, her parents decided to let her go and I got her heart instead, when I was ten," I told him as I traced the bracelet around my wrist. The girl's parents had wanted me to have it and I met up with them regularly to let them see I was healthy and kicking. To let them see a part of their daughter had saved my life. It was always hard to go and see them but now they had finally reached a point where the grief didn't make them cry every time they saw me.

"That's... Morbid," he said after a bit and I just shrugged.

"It is what it is," I said just as Simone reached us. "Oh. Simone, this is Adam, he's new. Adam, this is my best and only friend Simone." They shook hands and then we talked about something way less morbid than my heart failure.

Like always there was some commotion in the cafeteria, but my eyes widened slightly when my phone went off. I looked down and opened the message that everyone seemed to have gotten and then I gasped, quickly covering my eyes.

"Oh... My God," Simone breathed out and chuckled slightly.

"Oh man... She mass texted that?" I breathed in disbelief, looking to my friend. My eyes scanned the room and there was laughter or something, but then my jaw dropped as Alex jumped onto a table, looking furious. He put on an easy smile though and then started unbuttoning the front of his pants.

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