Chapter 5

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"I know it's very short notice, but is it fine if the boys maybe spend the night with you?" I asked my dad over the phone. He sighed and I can just imagine him shaking his head at me.

"Like I said the first time sweety, I don't mind." My dad said and I smiled.

"Thanks Dad. I really appreciate it." I said and I hweard my dad chuckle.

"No problem baby. Besides, your mom's in town and she's coming over for dinner. I'm sure she'll be over the moon to see the boys." I frowned at what my dad said.

"Mom's in town?" I asked really confused. Usually shen lets me know when she's comming arpund.

"Yeah, she phoned last night to let me know." My dad said and I nodded. YOu see, even though my parents were divorced, they still loved each other. They only got divorced because my dad was a businessman and my mom loved to travel.

"Well, I'll be seeing you later then." I said and then we said our byes. I was quite upset though, my mom was back and she didn't even tell me. Oh well. "Boys!" I called out as I grabbed my car keys.

"Yes Mommy?" I heard only one answer.

"Come on, we're going to Mitch." I said as they both came running to me. They beamed at me and cheered. They really loved Mitch. And he loved him so much too, he was really an amazing person.

I got the boys in their seats and then buckled myself in. I made my way to Mitch's place and hoped that he didn't mind that we were just dropping by. We stopped at Mitch's place and they boys sprinted to the front door and rung the bell repeatedly. I chuckled at that and pulled them away from the bell.

"Hey." Mitch said with a surprised smile and frown as he opened the door.

"Hey Mitch." I said smiling as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise." Mitch said bending down to pick up the twins. He had one in each arm.

"Yeah, sorry. I hope you don't mind us just dropping by." I said with a sorry smile and Mitch rolled his eyes at me.

"Who's here babe?" I heard Nancy ask as she came down the stairs. Mitch had a really nice place. It wasn't huge or anything, but just perfect. "Oh hey guys." Nancy said with a bright smile.

"Hey Nancy, how are you?" I asked her as I gave her a hug.

"I'm good thanks and you?" She said with a smile as she went to greet the boys.

"I'm good, I hope we're not intruding." I said and Nancy smiled and shook her head as she put her arm around Mitch. He smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head.

"Not at all. I was just on my way out." SHe said making me frown.

"Yeah, she was going to ditch me for the day." Said smiling down at her and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Yeah well I'd ditch you for the day too so." I said shrugging and Mitch frowned at me.

"Uh you came to me for the day?" He said and I shrugged.

"Well, I need to get going. See you later baby." Nancy said kissing Mitch then greeting the boys and gave me a hug. Mitch put his Xbox on for the boys as we sat on the double couch.

"So what brings you here?" Mitch asked with his head resting in his palm. I glanced at the boys then back at him.

"We spent the day with Marshall yesterday." I said and his eyes widened. A smile slowly spread across his features and I glanced down at my knotted fingers as I felt my cheeks heat up a little.

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