Chapter 3

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"What the hell am I going to feed Marshall?" I mumbled to myself as the boys argued over what flavour ice cream we should get.

"Mommy?" I glanced in my rear view mirror to see Roan frowning at me.

"Yes baby?" I answered and he crossed his arms.

"Wiley says we must get chocolate ice cweam, but I want cookie dough." He said and Riley groaned. You know, for four year olds, these two have some major attitudes. I chuckled to myself and shook my head.

"Yeah but, chocolate is way bettew Woan." Riley argued back.

"Nah-ah." Roan said shaking his head, and so it began. THe back and forth arguing between the two of them, deciding wich ice ream is better.

"OK! Relax, both of you!" I finally managed to yell out. They both glared at each other with crossed arms. I turned in my seat, seeing as we have stopped at the super market, to scowl at both of them. "Must you two always fight?"

"But Woan started it." Riley said pointing a finger at his twin. Roan's eyes widened and he shook his head about to protest.

"Uh-ha." I said closing mye eyes as I held my hand up and shook my head. "I don't want to hear it." Both their faces dropped and the looked down. They hated it when I was mad at them. I sighed and gave them a small smile. "How bout this? We get Chocolate and cookie dough ice cream?"

"Weally Mommy?" Riley asked excited. I smiled and nodded. "Yes!" He exclaimed and him and Roan shared a high five. I chuckled and got out the car. I went to get them ou of the car and held their hands as we made it in the store.

"Hop in." I said picking them up and putting them in the trolley. One thing I learnt with them, don't let them walk by themselves in a supermarket. I did that once and never again. Riley ran the one way and Roan the other. I was stuck in the middle with a trolley full of groceries, not knowing what the hell to do.

"Mommy? What you making to eat?" Riley asked and I frowned at him.

"I don't know baby. WHat do you feel like?" I asked him and he looked at hos brother. I swear they comunicate telephathitically sometimes. It's creepy, yet cute.

"Can you make some of that spaghetti?" Roan asked and I rolled my eyes at them. I should have known they were going to suggest that. They both love my spaghetti bolognaise.

"That actually sounds like a very good idea boys." I said and they both smiled at me. We made our way through the store and got everything that we needed, and more. We got a few snacks and sweets too.

"Mommy, awe we going home now?" Riley asked tired and I nodded as I kissed his head.

"You boys feeling better?" I asked them and they shook their heads. I smiled sadly at them then pushed the trolley out of the store. I put them in their car seats first before I went to load the things we bought. "Come, Mommy will pull the couch out for you then you guys can watch a movie while I start on the food."

"I wanna watch Monstews pwease Wiley." Roan said to Riley as they crawled up the sleeper couch after I pulled it out for them.

"Ok Woan." Riley said and I smiled at how cute they were being. They went to go lie down and I covered them with the big fluffy blue blanket. "Mommy, whewes Ted?" Riley asked and I chuckled at him.

"I'll go get Ted and Mr Bear for you." I said going to fetch their teddies. I handed them their teddies them started their movie. I kissed both their heads then left them to go make the food.

I hummed to myself as I danced around the kitchen to make the food. I was so in my owl little world that I nearly dropped the pan that had the minced meat in it when my phone rang.

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