Chapter 4

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"How are the boys?" Mitch asked over the phone.

"They're fine. I guess it was just like a 24hour thing." I said shrugging even though he could not see me.

"I'm glad." He said and Then he cleared his throat. "How was your supper?"

"It was nice." I said and I swear my face was about to split in half. I have not stopped smiling since I woke up this morning. The boys even asked me if we were going to see Marshall again today.

"Just nice?" Mitch asked me and I could see him smirking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine it was great. He's such an amazing guy and he's so good with the boys." I said smiling like the freaking loon I was.

"Someone's falling." Mitch said and I rolled my eyes at that.

"Who said anything about falling Mitch. All I said was that I had a good time and that he's a great guy." I said and Mitch chuckled.

"Yeah, but when do you ever think a guy is great Layla?" He asked and I pursed my lips at that, knowing his right. I never though much of men, the only men I thought the world of was my dad, Mitch and my two boys.

"I guess you're right. But I'm not falling." I said and Mitch sighed.

"You need to let your guard down sometime's Layla." He said and I frowned at him.

"I know, but Mitch. I just met him and come on, he's freaking Eminem!" I said throwing my free hand in the air. The boy's heads popped up over the back of the couch and they frowned at me. I smiled at them and waved. They glanced at each other then waved back and then went back to watching TV.

"Yeah and can I tell you something?" Mitch asked and I groaned.

"Yeah, tell me something." I said and he chuckled.

"Like you and me hay, he's human too. Stop looking at his tittle and start looking at him as a person Layla. Besides, he'd be an idiot if he didn't like you." Mitch said making me smile.

"How do you always know what to say?" I asked him and he laughed.

"Because I'm that fucking amazing." He said and of course I had to roll my eyes and laugh at that. But I couldn't deny it though.

"Yeah you are." I said then frowned as there was a knock at the door. "Uh I need to go Mitch. Someone's here."

"Huh?" He said as if he couldn't believe it that there was someone here either. "Well then I'll see you tomorrow. Love you Layla."

"Love ya twice Mitch." I smiled and put the phone down. "I'm coming!" I called out to the door and made my way to it. I opened the door and was shocked. "Marshall?"

"Hey. Hope I'm not intruding?" He asked and I smiled and shook my head.

"Not at all, come in?" I asked and he smiled and nodded. Damn that freaking smile. How can one man be so fucking gorgeous without even trying?

"Thanks." He smiled and his hand brushed mine as he walked passed me. I gasped and looked down at my hand like he has just set it on fire. I frowned and closed the door. When I walked into the lounge, Marshall was already seated between Riley and Roan on the couch.

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Nah man. Just came to see if you guys are ok." He said and yes I swooned a little inside, because come on. That was so sweet of him.

"Well that was very sweet of you. But we're fine thanks." I said as I went to go sit down on the other couch.

"And the boys?" He asked and I smiled at my boys.

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