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Connors POV.
I had just got off the plane and I was ready to go through customs before I would try to find Naomi as she was coming to pick me us as Marcus was in a meeting and I was moving in with them.
I went through customs and suddenly I saw Naomi. I ran over to her and when I got a better view of her I could see she was and had been crying.
Are you ok Naomi?
I hugged her and she kept sobbing.
It's Zoe.
What about Zoe?
Well apparently after you left so did Caspar. Then joe got a call saying she had an attack without her tablets so he left to bring her some of Joey's as he was only a few blocks away. And Tyler and Joey were left alone and Tyler kidnapped him and beat him up and then made him chose who of his friends Tyler should hurt next and he didn't choose so Tyler chose Alfie and joey said no and not to touch then only hurt him so Tyler decided to get both Alfie and Zoe at the same time but Alfie was with joe so Tyler wouldn't have been able to get him so went to Louise's to get Zoe but they had no idea about Tyler because of her panic attacks the boys hadn't told her so she walked out with Tyler to get something from his car and he kidnapped her and beat her aswell and raped her! They could do nothing. They tried calling joe but he wouldn't answer.

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