Chapter 16 ~ Basketball and Video Games

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

A sigh escaped my lips as I stuffed my hands into my pockets, my black drawstring bag swaying with each step I took. It's been around half an hour since I have left the orphanage and now, I am making my way to the basketball court when I had first met Subaru. My lips tugged to a smile when I saw the familiar court in the distance and increased my pace. My smile dropped a bit when I saw three figures already on the court playing basketball but returned when I saw a familiar face. Once I saw him, I went and sprinted to the court, my long (h/c) hair flying behind me and my bag bouncing madly against my back.

When I was within hearing radius of the court, I yelled out at the male, "Oi Kagami!"

Kagami, who was dribbling the ball, caught the ball in his hands and turned to me. By that time, I had already tossed my bag to the base of a tree and is currently tying my hair. Kagami smirked when he caught sight of my face.

"Hey, (Y/n). It's been a while, huh?"

"Yes, it has."

As we were chatting, I saw a bluenette, who was standing beside Kagami, nudge him.

"Who is this, Kagami-kun?"

I bit back a snicker as I saw Kagami jump from the bluenette's nudge.

"K-KUROKO! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" Kagami pretty much yelled, getting a mini heart attack from the bluenette.

The bluenette stared at him blankly, "I was here the whole time, Kagami-kun."

"Yep," I stated, "He was standing beside you this whole time."

Shock and surprise revealed itself briefly on the bluenette' face, Kuroko if I remember correctly. However, that expression disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Wait," Kagami started, "You noticed him?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Am I not supposed to?"

When the red-head remained silent, I turned my head to the bluenette again, observing him for a moment or two.

"Well, he does have little to no presence so I guess it makes sense that people can't see him."

"You are very observant," I suddenly heard an unfamiliar female voice comment.

I turned around to the direction of the voice, opening my mouth to thank her but froze when I recognized her.

"ITS YOU! KAGAMI HIDE ME!" I yelled, swiftly moving to hide behind Kagami. I Sweatdropped when silence ensued, awkward much? After a couple of moments, Kagami broke it.

"Alex, do you know her?"

Yep, the one that I have just met is that lady, Alex Ga-something, that had taken my first kiss. I quietly inched closer to Kuroko, sweatdropping when I saw that I was a couple of centimeters taller. Anyways, I stayed silent as the blonde lady studied my face and shook her head.

"I don't think so. Have I met you before?" The blonde lady asked, looking at my face.

My eye twitched as I watched her cautiously, "Heck yeah you do. I mean, I met you three years ago at this basketball field nearby."

I sighed when Alex only looked on in confusion. Kagami also had a look of confusion as he asked, "You've met Alex before? Are you sure it's her and not another blonde foreigner?"

I glared at the redhead, "Damn right it's her. I mean, I will remember that face anywhere! What sane person kisses another to say goodbye?!"

Kagami visibly sweatdropped as he heard my yell, muttering, "It's Alex alright. No one else has that kissing bug."

I saw Alex snap her fingers from the corner of my eye, inching backward as she came closer to my face, her eyes scanning my face. A bright smile suddenly made itself evident on her face as recognition filled her eyes.

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