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"Out with it then!" Draco nearly bellowed in lieu of the frozen look on his husband's face, "What happened? Who took Hermione's memory?"

The auror looked truly mortified of him, and with a glance to the men's joined hands, he spoke very quickly.

"It was her."

Harry almost lunged forward at his Auror.

"We went over this morning to do a diagnostics and see if the magic was strong enough to leave a trail... well, it was. Hermione Granger erased her own memory."

The man looked proud of himself, and before either wizard in front of him could interrupt his next statement, he spoke.

"We helped her restore it, but she wouldn't let us in after that, sir. Granger sort of... smiled hollowly then shut the door."

"You mean to tell me she did this to herself?" All thoughts of ever turning Ron in became evanescent as Harry filled with rage and wonder alike.

"Yes, sir."

"Let's go," he determined, "Now."

Draco followed simply in confusion as he tried to wrap his head around what he'd just learned too. With both of their memories returned, there was truly no need for Ron to be punished, yet Draco was sad to see him let off. He momentarily considered calling Pansy, but Harry was dragging him all too quickly for that.

They were in Hermione's flat quicker than he could say quidditch, but the witch was nowhere to be seen in the immediate vicinity.

"She's in her room," Harry said assuredly, shoving his wand pack into a hidden pocket.

"Are you sure we should go in there? What if there's something bigger going on here?" Draco whispered. He held onto Harry tightly, pulling him back as he began to walk towards the witch's room.

"Like what?" Harry protested, tugging his arm away and stalking forward.

Draco sighed in a heavy protest to his husband's actions.

"Hermione?" Harry asked as he knocked on her bedroom door, "'Mione, come on."

"What are you doing here?" Her sharp voice answered on the immediate side of the door. Her voice was so close, and yet she seemed so far away.

"Open the door, we have to talk."

The door whipped open, and both men were startled at the furious witch on the opposing side of the threshold. She looked supremely upset, and by Merlin neither of the Potters were sure they wanted anything to do with her in that moment. Unfortunately for them, they had no choice but to endure whatever wrath she may lay upon them.

"What?!" She demanded through her pinched face, features sharp.

"You erased your own memory? Hermione, are you insane? What in Merlin's name drove you to do that? As far as the lot of us know everything was bloody well fine," Harry asserted, using his hands as he spoke to nearly shame her for such a choice.

"Everything was not fine," Hermione said definitely, cross with both of the wizards in front of her, "But why did Severus lose his memory?"

"No," Harry bit out, "You answer the questions first; no avoiding."

"Just tell her, Harry," Draco wedged in, happy to have said at least a few words between the feuding friends.

Harry looked at his husband, glancing at Hermione quickly as he let out a frustrated groan.

"Fine. It was Ron. He fancies himself in love with you still, but I don't buy it. Now, tell me why you did what you did!" Harry said as he stepped forward into her room so that the door couldn't close in his face.

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