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While Hermione moped in her room, her mind floating with every possibility imaginable, Harry and Ginny were alone in her living room. They had stoic impressions, not quite sure how they were supposed to deal with two love-birds who knew not that they were so. It was tragic, really, that they couldn't be bonded that day... and such an influential marriage it was to be. They practically had anyone they could fit into one place attending, mostly witches and wizards of varying classes and the stray muggle or two. Hermione's parents had flown from Australia to come to their beloved daughter's wedding day! Which was what Ginny's mind was on.

Harry, well he was wondering exactly how his husband was faring at the Snape estate. As if timing couldn't have been any less perfect, Draco apparated into the flat.

"Well, Severus is locked in his room, more spells than I can count barring him from me."

Harry sighed, Ginny looking at him crossly.

"Hello to you, too, git."

Draco tossed the look right back at Ginny, a woman he never really liked in the first place.

"Listen, this isn't my fault, so why don't you bugger off with the attitude for we can work together."

While Ginny adored the way Harry made an amazing choice in husband, that didn't mean she liked the husband. They simply fit together like a key and lock, so why ruin Harry's fun? Besides, Draco was an ease to tease.

With her final resolve, Ginny stood, looking at Draco with a smile, "Agreed. The sooner we get this fixed, the more likely we are to survive."

"I think Snape was bloody well close to cursing me when you started to show affection," Harry indicated to Draco who laughed with amusement.

"He wouldn't hurt me."

"Today," Ginny reminded him, "Four years ago there was a lot of tension between the lot of us, your relationship with Harry brought us all together, but Snape was still a wreck. He didn't want to be alive, he hardly wanted to see you, remember?"

The blond winced.

"But he was alright with his job at the ministry, and he was evening out... though those sleepless nights were bloody torture for the poor bloke," Draco sat down finally, his bantering partner following suit.

"I reckon this might take more time than we've got before the wedding," Harry offered, "We have to start letting people know now."

"That will also give the two much-needed space."

Ginny was right, so they stood and grasped their wands, agreeing to where they'd start first. Harry went to the ministry to inform Kingsley, Ginny went to the Weasley's, and Draco decided his parents should be told first. They were being forced to go simply because Draco was best-man, and he told them to. They'd probably be ecstatic. Though his mother had calmed slightly over the few years, his father had simply grown not to care. It bothered his insides, yet Draco knew he kept a brave face when he brought home Potter. Harry was just that, too, a Potter of pureblood lines in which distantly came from the pureblood family of Peverells.

Knocking with a heavy heart, Draco breathing in deeply and awaited a house elf to open the door. He was thoroughly surprised when his mother pulled the large doors towards her and looked out at him, gray eyes steadied and trained.

"Draco," she said with a mix of surprise, "Where are your dress robes? Severus must be furious!"

The woman herself was dressed magnificently, her beauty and grace as no other's was. She was in fine dress attire, proper wear for a witch attending such a prestigious wedding.

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