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Callie's POV

"BRANDON!!" I run over to him and he is just laying there with blood going everywhere. "Brandon please wake up....please.....I can't lose you too......."

"Well isn't this sweet."

"What do you WANT." I say still looking at Brandon and kneeling holding his hand.

"You." Then he grabs me by my hair pulling me up. Stef is yelling something but u can't quite make it out. I soon feel a sharp pain in the back of my head.

What's happening to me.


It's been about a month and it's the same routine. Liam comes in. I'm nearly bleed out by noon. Other "stuff" happens till around dark. Then he leavs. He thinks if he does it enough I'll stop fighting. He has never been more wrong about anything.

I think about Brandon every second of every day. I wonder if he is with Jude or not.... all I want to do is cry but I don't because he will know it is weekness. If Brandon is gone that means he is seeing all of this. My heart hurts. I seriously need help. The sun is rising up. Great. Liam should be here soon. I just wish I wasn't stuck in here. Where ever 'here' is. There are no windows and the walls look like steal. I hear a car sound and then silence. All of a sudden there is a door slamming sound and and screeching. Then I hear sirens. FINALLY!!!! People are comming in. comming closer. I try to yell but I just can't. Then all of a sudden the door flies open and Liam appears. "Come on your comming with me."

I still can't seem to speek. I just need to get out one little word....just one....

"Help." It takes all of my might to say that bit it still comes out a screechy whisper.

"Oh im sorry what was that. Does the little tramp need help."

He then pushes open the wall. I COULD HAVE DONE THAT!!!! What the hell!

The sun is so blinding. It burns. I see a police car then I black out.


I wake up and I see blue walls and my vision clears up a little bit and I see a person in the corner. It's a boy. He's tall. OH MY GOODNESS IT'S.........


Sorry my story has been really creepy, but from now on im doing sweet Brallie moments!:)♡♥☆★

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