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-Hope's POV-

It was finally time.

I asked Ashlyn and Kelley to come with me to pick him up. We were on our way to Anthony's group home, and I couldn't be happier.

-Anthony's POV-

It was finally time.

Hope was going to pick me up today. I was finally going to be safe. Although, I'm also disappointed about having to leave Kev. We've become extremely close, he's my best friend.

I had already packed all of my stuff in my backpack last night. I changed into all-white tennis shoes, black jeans, and my blue button-up shirt. I wanted to look nice for Hope, to show her that I'm not a slum.


Kev and I were in the living room watching "Young Justice" while everyone else was in the backyard playing Monopoly.

"Today's the day, huh?" Kevin asked me. I turned to him, and saw his big brown eyes staring at me with sadness.

"Yeah, Kev. It is." I said as I looked to the floor. He sighed, "Now I have to be by myself again with these douchebags." Laughter escaped from both of us. A silence filled the room.

"Anthony..." Kevin began. "What?" I asked. "When you came, this place got a lot better for me. I know it's only been two weeks, but you're like a brother to me. Even closer than that." He told me.

I didn't say anything for a minute. I didn't know what to say. I felt the same way, but did I really want to say that when I'm leaving today?
I sighed.

This might be the last time I ever see Kev, and I'm not going to wait until it's too late, "Kev, we will always be family. Wherever I am, wherever you are. I'll always have your back man." I said.Kevin smiled at me, and then we went back to watching the show.

Two episodes later, a knock sent a flutter through my heart.


While I called Mr. Tate inside, Kev went to open the door. The door opened, and I saw it. I saw A future ture with a new family flashed before my eyes. I smiled wider than I've ever smiled.

"Hi." Hope said as she walked in. Kelley and Ashlyn followed behind her. All three of them looked ecstatic.

"Hi." I replied. We stayed in our exact positions or a moment, just staring at each other with glee. Our moment was interrupted by Mr. Tate, "So are you two going to keep staring at each other or are you going to show me the papers so all of you can leave?"


"Oh yeah, sorry!" Hope said as she rummaged in her new purse, a light brown one. Nice color.

Mr. Tate looked through the papers before saying, "All right, looks good to me. Good luck kid." He patted my back and walked back outside to finish his game.

"I'll be right back, I have to grab my bag. Kev, come with?" I asked. Kevin simply nodded and we ran upstairs.

"I'm going to miss you dude." He said, water forming in eyes. Even though I was eager to leave, I was hesitant to leave Kevin. I grabbed him and pulled him close to me.

We stayed there for about a minute, just hugging each other, until I knew it was time to go. "I'm gonna go back to my room." He said. I nodded and watched as my best friend walked out of the bedroom.

I ran downstairs with my backpack to see the girls watching my unfinished episode of Young Justice. "I'm ready." I exclaimed with happiness.

They all stood up and we walked outside. "Ready to start your new life kiddo?" Hope asked me, her arm hung around my shoulder. "Totally, but I have one question." I stated.

Hope looked at me worryingly, "Okay, shoot." "Do you have Netflix?" I asked. Laughter filled the air as we stepped into the car. We put on our seat belts and set off to the hotel.

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