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-Anthony's POV-

I thought about it. I knew my name of course, but I didn't know if I wanted to tell them that. If I tried to run I'm pretty sure the blonde woman would just tackle me again.

I thought about what they would do. They would take me to the police station, and I would be taken back to my dad. My dad.

"P-please don't take me back." I managed to get out, my voice cracking.

"Take you back to where?" a tall brunette asked concerned.

I realized that she was the woman I stole from. I shook my head and stood up. I reached for my back pocket and grabbed the money I didn't use for the food.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it. Your purse is...I don't really know where your purse is." I apologized, careful not to make eye contact with anybody.

The woman gave me a small smile, "We already have my purse, I just needed my money back."

"Are you going to take me to the police?" I asked bluntly.

"We already called them, we thought you were some bad guy." A lady with light brown hair and a surprisingly very
sharp jawline said.

"I still am a bad guy." I said quietly.

"Hey you're not a bad guy, you just did a bad thing." Ash said.

I nodded and police sirens filled the cold December air.

"I guess that's my ride." I mumbled.

Laughs erupted throughout the group of women.

One squad car appeared, and a man with blonde hair and a brown mustache exited the vehicle.

"Hope Solo?" the man asked.

"That's me." the brunette that I stole from spoke.

"Is this the thief?" he asked again.

I cringed at the word, but walked over to him. Once I reached him, I turned around and put my hands behind my back.

He cuffed them and walked me over to the police car. He read me that thing cops read to you when you're arrested, although I didn't listen.


-Hope's POV-

"He seems like a good kid." I said as we watched the police officer practically throw the boy into the backseat.

The officer shut the door and walked back over to us, "We need you to come back to the station so we can make a report."

"Can we come too?" Ashlyn inquired.

"Sure." he replied.

With that we walked back to my car and followed the squad car to the station.


-Anthony's POV-

After I was interrogated and talked to police officers, they uncuffed me.

"What're you doing?" I asked the officer.

"Mrs. Solo is dropping the charges." she replied sternly.

I was still confused, but grateful. They let me outside of the door where Hope and her friends were.


-Hope's POV-

"Thank you." Anthony said. I found out his name from one of the officers.

"Anthony Quartz, nice name." I said.

He looked me in shock but then realized I must've found out.

"Hope Solo, nice name." he mimicked.

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