Chapter 10

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After I apologized to Nash, I went straight to my room and watched Netflix all day with Jessica. Jessica's phone rang, and after two minutes of talking to the other person on the line, she finally hung up and said she had to go because her parents are back. I told her, "Okay, text me when you get home and tell your parents I said hi." 

After Jessica nodded, she gave me a hug and left my room.

Then, after about five minutes, I heard Jessica shout my neame. I ran all the way downstairs to see what was going on. "What's wrong?!"

"There's a girl here, named Julianne that moved right next door, she was asking who lived here and invited whoever lived here to her house party tomorrow at 10."

I eyed Julianne up and down. She had very long brown curly hair, big brown eyes, with the longest eyelashes ever, she was tall and is a little bit on the bigger side. 

Then Julianne smiled at me and introduced herself. "Hi! My name is Julianne, as you clearly know by now," she chuckled.

"Hi, I'm Melina!" Julianne gave me a piece of paper that said "You're invited!" I looked down at the paper and smiled. "Is there anyone else that lives here that I can also invite to my party?" Julianne asked.

"Yeah, my brother Cameron and his friends are upstairs," I told Julianne.

"Oh can I meet them?" she asked politely.

"Sure," I said. "CAMERON AND HIS FRIENDS! GET DOWN HERE! NOW!" I shouted, and sent a smile at Julianne. The girl was pretty, and nice too. A double threat.

They all came running down like the house was on fire. "WHAT DO YOU WANT MELINA?!" Cameron shouted.

"This girl here is Julianne, she just moved in next door and has invited us to go to her house party tomorrow," I said calmly.

"Julianne?" Taylor said.

"OHMYGOSH! Taylor!" Julianne shouted. Taylor pushed everyone out of his way to go hug and kiss Julianne. I'm guessing they're a couple.

Uh, Oh. Jessica had a major crush on Taylor, and when I looked at Jessica, she was glaring at Julianne and had a look that could kill someone. Right as I was going to pull her aside, Jessica muttered, "Bye," harshly and stormed out of the house. 

Eveyone looked at each other, I walked back to my room to make sure she was okay and didn't do anything stupid. 

To: Jessica

Hey, you okay?

 Jessica didn't reply even after fifteen minutes. So, I tried again.

To: Jessica

Hey, please message me. I'm starting to get worried, please reply, Jessica.

After forty minutes of constantly checking to see if she texted, I grabbed my car keys, told Mom I was going to check on Jess, and drove to her house. I just hoped she didn't do anything stupid that she'd regret. She really liked Taylor and I knew that it really upset her.

I ran to the door, and let myself enter since it was open, and Jessica's parent's weren't there. I could tell by the lack of Ferrari's. 

As fast as I could, I ran up the five million stairs to Jessica's room and kicked it open. My heart dropped at the sight of her. She was sitting on the window seal, with smudged mascara all over her face. Instantly, I ran over to her and hugged her. "You had me worried!" I almost yelled, but kept my cool. I knew how much she cared about him and I didn't want to push it.

She looked down at the ground and a tear escaped her eye. "I really liked him," she mumbled.

I took a seat beside her and tilted her chin up, so she was looking at me directly in the eye. "Hey, there's plently of boys in the world."

Jessica shook her head. "No, I want that boy."

I sighed. "Hey, he's not worth it. And to get your mind off of this, we're going to that party."

She shook her head. "No way."

"Yes, you're always wanting me to go to parties with you, so?" 

Jessica looked up at me and cracked a smile. "Fine, but you have to make me look hot, especially if that bitch Julianne is going to be there."

I laughed and nodded. I was happy to see her like this again. "Deal."


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