*18- BETRAYAL...

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Amy Daniels stopped and stared into the window looking  at little pink dress hanging by the window. The pink soft cashmere dress gently swayed in the breeze and her breath caught. She avoided eye contact with the paper that dangled from the dress, written on it was the price.

Tears shone in her eyes as she swept her hand across her flat stomach, amazed at the life growing inside of her. It didn’t matter how her pregnancy came to be, she was happy the end result of something bad could be something amazing.

The sun glistened off her hair and she sucked in a deep soothing breath. She checked her watch again and looked around her. It was almost time; she needed to leave if she was going to make it. People walking around her stared, pity and disgust filled their faces but she shook it off. It didn’t matter what they thought, she was finally happy and over with her heartbreak, it was time to move on, make a living for herself and think about her unborn child. It was time to stop thinking about him.

Glancing at the dress one more time, she turned and headed down the street. She kept her head low and made her way quickly down the street. It was time indeed.


“Can you add the ownership rights of the building Ms. Daniels used to live in to the contract you’re drawing up?” Chase asked as he walked into my office. I smiled at how casual he looked today. Gone were the dress pants and the suit jacket and in their place, he wore a pair of jeans that hugged his butt right and a tight white shirt.

It has been a week since the incident with Garret and Derek at my office and so far nothing had happened. I think they finally accepted what I’ve been trying to tell them all along. A part of me was a little disappointed at their quick acceptance but the other part of me that hated them was relieved.

“Yes, I can do that” I said with a smile.

He stopped at stared at me for a minute. His gaze never left my face but somehow I felt like he was looking deep inside me, as if he was trying to figure me out. Then suddenly he blurted, “Would you like to go out with me tonight?”

I froze. My heart beating so loud I wondered if he could hear it. This is what I wanted right? I mean I did plan on asking him eventually. But flashes of my mates’ faces kept flashing in my mind and all I could think about was how long it had been since I had been on a date.

“It’s ok if you don’t, I understand”. He was quick to reassure, though his smile looked flat and I could tell he was disappointed I hadn’t answered him.

I shook my head, dumb founded. “No, no its not that it’s just that it has been awhile and you caught me off guard”. 

He nodded, “I still have a hard time believing men don’t fall over your feet begging you to go out with them”. He amused, chuckling at my flamed face.

I laughed, feeling free and shook my head, this guy was great for my ego.

“Well, they don’t, uh, they didn’t anyway. And yes, I would love to go out tonight. Where were you thinking?” I asked excitement and nervousness bubbling in my stomach.

“How about something casual, dinner and then dancing? How does that sound?” he asked, his eyes were bright and a glint of desire shone in them.

I sucked in air and tried to calm my beating pulse. He was a shifter after all; he could tell when I was overly excited both through smell and hearing.

I suddenly flushed at the thought of Chase knowing when I was hot for him and that I was excited about our date tonight. The woman in me didn’t mind, she found it erotic that he could smell my scent of arousal just as I could see the dent of his in his jeans. But the girl in me, the part of me that was inexperienced and naïve to some degree was embarrassed. My face flushed tomato red and ducked my head down.

Unbroken  SHIFTER'S HEART: EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now