*5-A Packaged Deal... World Class ASS...

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Newly Edited

How did I end up here again?

“But Ms. Watson you can’t close the restaurant, there so many people to serve and we are already short on the staff you just can’t”. Ms Hobbs pleaded with me.

This was bad, this was really bad. We had been at this for 15 minutes now and I still couldn’t get her to let me shut the restaurant down, she claimed there were too many people, which she was right about and it couldn’t make sense to kick everyone out in the middle of their meal. She also said most of them were here as a way to say their sorry about what happened yesterday. I was torn on that one since I didn’t want anyone’s pity but was also glad people still liked my dad and were here for him.

It was after she said that with her puppy dog eyes that I gave in. Ms. Hobbs was nothing if not relentless.

So that’s how I ended up here now, with full plates of sandwiches in both my hands running around from one side of restaurant to the other doing Amy’s job, who wasn’t here because of her pregnancy.

Ms. Hobbs also said Victor Langley was gone today, which I found weird because according to the staff , Victor was never gone, he never missed a day of work since my father hired him. Victor was apparently in charge of the financial side of the restaurant since both my parents were the chiefs.

Odd but I shrugged it off since I had bigger problems to deal with at hand.

“Table three’s order is ready” yelled the assistant chief and I ran over to get it.

I pulled out the piece of paper in my apron and looked once again where table three was. Seems my parents  remodeled since I been gone. The place was larger now. And everything was made more confusing by amount of people that were currently in the room.

“That’s the one in the middle, the girlfriend’s table”. Ms Hobbs whispered in my ear and I sent her a thankful smile before heading in that direction.

Uh great I thought o myself, Lindsey and Payton, my day just kept getting better and better.

I avoided eye contact as I set their plates down, a sense of déjà vu slipping over my senses. I remembered five years ago when I was in this exact same spot, serving the exact same people.

“Salad with a dressing for you”, I said setting it in front of Payton who was smiling at me for some odd reason, “And the one without the dressing”, I said setting it in front of Lindsey.

“Hi Gracie, long time no see, has it really been just five years since you brought us the exact same food?” Lindsey said with a sneer.

Wow, i thought to myseldf, she reached right in for that one didn’t she?  I smiled, still the same old bitch, something Lindsey Wells was never going to do was change, and once a bitch always a bitch.

“Yes! I know right” I said accumulating so much fake enthusiasm into my word, “Except now my shoes cost more than you whole outfit!” I told her while walking away.

Her face contorted into pure rage and hatred and she glanced down at my feet.

I laughed, take that bitch. I wasn’t that tomboyish little girl anymore who she could pick on and if she looked in my direction one more time, this lioness was going to ripe her apart.

I had to say though my outfit wasn’t exactly what you would wear as a waitress; I didn’t really have a choice though. I  wore the same thing as yesterday, the business skirt and leopard printed heels that were red at the bottom, only now I wore Wes’s blue button down shirt since I spilled coffee on mine this morning.

Unbroken  SHIFTER'S HEART: EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now