Pheebs POV

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Joey gasped in astonishment. "Hey pheebs." " Joey.... " I pulled him aside and away from my sister. "Why where you feeling up Urusla? I thought you wanted me ?" He slipped my hands into his. " I thought nothing was happening between us. I got desperate. Mike came by the other day. He is worried about you Pheebs, he might be onto us.  He really wants to start a family with you. " "Oh Joey, I love both of you so much. " I said, "All our friends know. I might have a solution. You were a sperm donor right?" Joey looked puzzled, "Yeah why?" I kissed him on the cheek. " I will call you later. "

I opened the door into Mike and I's house. He stood up, "Where were you?" At least I could answer him partially honestly, " My sister needed me. For an emergency. " "She didn't even come to our own wedding. Why does she need our help, your help now?" I needed a good reason, " We went through so much together Mike, she's my sister. We have a bond that can't be destroyed. " "I understand." He pressed his lips against mine. He sat me down on the couch and ran to the kitchen and came back with glasses of wine. We made out, he led me to his bed and slipped off my dress. My plan would have to wait, the art of seduction made its way into the gallery.

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