Phoebes POV

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I drove to Monica's house outside of New York City. Large oak and cotton trees surrounded the perfect family home. When I walked to the door I heard children screaming and Monica yelling, "Pick up your toys and put them in smallest to largest order!" I rand the doorbell and Chandler opened it and yawned. "Hi Chandler I need to see Mon." I walked into their house and Chandler gave me a look saying good to see you to. "How are you? I'm fine." Hr said to himself than walked away. "Pheebs!" "Monica I need help." She led us to another room and later came out with 2 cups of coffee, steam pouring out of the top. Ow. "Mon, Mike wants to start a family." She smiled, "That'd great!" Slowly regretting her choice of raising two kids, being the neat-freak she is."No its not! I still have feelings for Joey!" She fiddled with her fingers, "Well that's not so great." "What do I do?" She looked confused, "I think you need to talk to Mike, coming clean always changes things." "No, not that." "Pheebs thats the only way." "I got to go." I grabbed my keys and left.

                                             Joey's POV

    I heard a knock at the door, assuming it was Phoebe. I opened it and saw Mike. "Um, hi. Come in I guess." He walked in and sat on the couch. I grabbed two beers out of the fridge and threw one at him. "Look, I know we barely know each other but I needed to talk to you about Phoebe." Oh great, he must of found out. "I'm sorry Mike." He looked confused, "Well I want too have a family." I shook my head, "No Mike, that's not possible." He took a sip of his beer and sighed, "No, Phoebe and I." Ohhhhhhhh, wait. "But she dosen't seem so keen on the idea." I shrugged. "Go for it." "Be a man and entice her so she can't say no. Make the evening the most romantic ever. She won't be able to resist." He stood up, finished his beer and hugged me. "Thanks man, I owe you one" And he walked out of the door. What did I just do? I want Pheebs to be happy but I want her to be mine.

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