Rant #6 : Double lives

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Months without going online and now she comes back while changing everything of her profile.

You may wonder why.

Well, please sit down and take a sip of your cup cause you have a lot to catch up on.

So if you don't know who dreamerunderskies is, she is my amazing friend both IRL and on the Net.

So basically a mutual friend of ours discovered that we both use this wonderful platform called wattpad to read and write. And do you know what absolutely brilliant idea she has?

She fricking create an account and tried to search for us.

Okay, I get it. You are curious with what we write and so you search.

But here, my friend, is exactly where the problem is.

The reason that I express my feelings more on the internet is that nobody knows who I really am and that I can say whatever bullshit I like and nobody will judge me.

So I'm just trying to say that there is a fine line between the 'me' on the Internet and the 'me' in real life.

And that I absolutely hate when these two lives crash into each other.

Sorry Erin, but to be honest it actually took me one or two days to accept the fact that you know that I'm 'me'.

But she is a whole level of complicatedness.

I'm not saying that what I am writing here is not suitable for them to read, I mean like I publish them for the world to see for god's sake!

But it's the fact that she knows the identity of my whole account is what worries me. I can't put them to words, but just I like it better when I am anonymous and nobody knows who I am.

Well apart from that lot actually I've been thinking of changing my whole profile a long time ago, and this is just a push to make me actually do it, so yeah.

Thanks for reading my no meaning rant lol.

Signing out (for now) ~ B :)

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