Rant #0 : Introduction

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Hey guys, recently I just read some really good rants. Rants are entertaining (have joy in seeing others' anger (?) Wow I sound cruel right now. Or maybe you are? Shut up!)and they make me have a good ole' laugh (I sound like a bloody old chap right now :/). The good rants that I just mentioned, they have correct grammar and fluent writing. We can also find something in common in those rants. That's good, i mean everybody likes reading something they are familiar with. I like those rants. Like, a lot.


I am a little bit confused about those rants. Maybe I read too many of them? There are just so many different opinions. Some stated one, and some had the exact opposite thoughts. And the readers of the rants commented another point of view. I mean then who is right one? And the million dollar question come out. Bam! What do the readers really want to read about?

Okay so now some of you may say: We don't need to care about others' opinions. We should just do what we think is right. Just ignore other human beings. Etcetera etcetera etcetera...

Well guess what, in real life, we all care about what others think about us, their opinions or thoughts of us... We care. We don't want to be weirdos or freaks that other people think we are. We want to blend in and be normal. (Don't try to lie, I know you are #superkickassmindreadingpower) But guess what, maybe freaks are normal, it is just the others who are freaks. But what on earth is normal?

normal [adj.]
definition: conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

What is the standard or common type? If the entire universe eats poop as their dinner suddenly, is that normal? Nobody is normal on earth. It's just you do the same thing as a group of people. When you go the other group, you will an outsider, a freak to them.

So don't go and tell people that they are freaks, 'cause maybe through their eyes, you are a weirdo to them. (But don't tell others they are not normal and said that I tell you that, okay?)

Wow, I am getting off track and I have a feeling I am offending someone. Sorry :/ But hey, maybe it is your fault too. *look at the scary-looking bulky guy scowling at me* *gulp* sorry of course it is my fault, right :( ?

If I did offend you in my rants, please forgive me, I don't mean to. I am just confused and frustrated about the world. There is just too many different opinions. I don't know which one is correct.

Phew, I think I have used up all of my brain cells. So goodbye for now.

~ B :)

[A/N] (Though the whole book is about my opinions, but whatever) Which kind of people do you hate most? Comment below :) and READ VOTE and COMMENT :):)

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