Thoughts #1 : Self-Advertising

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Hey guys, it's me again. So I have read a lot books and found that some readers will advertise their books on the comment sections. And sometimes that's quite annoying to the writers. They want to receive comments about the plot, grammar and the writing of their stories, and not to read you advertising your stories.


Dear writers, they advertise their works on your story because they think your story is popular. Think positive. They are not going to steal your fan base anyway, they are just impatient for readers. Be glad that they even read your story. There are some stories that only have one or two reads. So be grateful and positive. (Although sometimes when I read those promotes on others' stories, I am a bit annoyed too :/)

So I decided to think of a solution #superwomantotherescue

Actually if you think about it, the promotions sound like TV advertisements. You put on shows (good stories) and people watch it. Then, those annoying advertisements came in between every fifteen to twenty minutes. It sounds exactly like the self-promotes that the readers left between every chapters. The only difference is that TV companies make money out of it and writers don't. The more popular the shows (stories) are, the more expensive the advertisements are.

So my fellow writers, when you detect some self-promotes on your story, just charge them as much as you think your story is worth. You can make money out of it. You can even become a millionaire, no scratch that, a billionaire!! And if they knew it charged money, they won't promote on your stories, then the world will have less self-promoting. #worldpeace

Though I really doubt that would happen XD Teehee

Signing off ~ B :)

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