Rant #3 : Procrastination

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Hello guys,so today I want to rant about that really really bad habit that I have , and it's called... *drumroll please*

Procrastination. (The title up there ^)*insert badass background music here*

So for those who don't know what is procrastination, well, nah, I'm not going to explain to you. Go look up on google or if you like the traditional way, go and find a huge-ass encyclopedia and find it out.

What are you still doing here? Go look it up. This chapter of my 'wonderful superb amazing' book won't go away (A/N I'm actually cringing as I wrote that line lol). You have all the time in the world to do that.

However, I know that a lot of you may think that 'I can go and look it up later, but first, I should read this awesome rant of Bella :) '#supermindreadingpower (Nah I'm just kidding, you are too lazy for that :P) That's procrastination, people, and I bet you guys have procrastinated before.

Don't believe me? Well, I'm here to prove you wrong. Here are so examples that you must have done in your whole life, or you are just a robot. Or an old blood-sucking vampire (A/N I am not talking about twilight, okay!). Or whatever, you know what I mean.

1. Waking up

My school opens at 8 in the morning, and I need to wake up at six-freaking-thirty in the morning! Like what the fuck? Even if the newest marvel movie is out I won't even wake that early to watch it, and you are telling me to wake up for education?! That is extremely ridiculous!

So as the brilliant person I am, I always hit the snooze button on the alarm clock and procrastinate the process of needing to wake up early. And when my mother bellows me to wake up? Nah, just say "Five more minutes!!" every time she asks that question. That is the perfect formula...

To be late for school. Nah, don't do that and said that some random wannabe that named Bella taught you taught that from Wattpad :P

Just kidding, you should be able to wake up early in the morning if you sleep earlier.


I believe wholeheartedly that this is the problem we all face whenever we have homework. I mean who would like to do homework? Well, certainly not me. But you NEED to do that, or you will get detention at my school :/, so that's just what I do.

Doing Homework 101 For Dummies: *insert upbeat music*

First step, turn on the computer.

Second step, plug in headphones.

Third step, take out your homework and lay it in front of you computer.

Fourth step, surf the internet for hours.

Fifth step, take a look at the clock and realise it is already 0:00 and you need to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow and you haven't do any of your homework.


Seventh step, find out that you have already done them all at school. During lessons.

Haha just kidding who am I? I am the most awesome, wonderful, fantastic person in the world!! (LOL no) Just go to school and copy other's work. I mean, that's what classmates are for, right ;) ?

Though sometimes I am far too lazy to copy... but nevermind :P

3. Revising for exams!!

We have exams twice a year, and I think that's more than we need. *insert sad music* I... I don't deserve you, exams. We aren't meant to be together. Just... leave me be. *runs down the staircase like Cinderella*

Okay enough with that dramatic shit, let's get down to business. Others always say that having a good study playlist is absolutely necessary, so I go online and search for one. Then you know what happen? I go from one youtube videos to another, then another, and then I realise that I have wasted an hour of my precious youth. (A/N BTW comment below what music do you study with :])

Just kidding but I really did waste the hour watching some randomly ridiculous videos (they are hilarious though). What a great way to study! (notice the sarcasm)

So basically apart from youtube or music of any kinds, I also go to this amazing website namely Wattpad for the ten minutes study breaks. However, when I told myself to read just for 10 minutes, at the 11 minutes point, I will be still reading the book and telling myself just 5 more minutes cuz I am completely devoting myself to the book. Ding ding, procrastination. So that's how the other hour went non-studying.

Then, for being a growing teenage girl, I need to eat. At all time. So I tell myself, "Yeah, just go the food cabinet and grab a bag of chips." So that's what I do. And I walk back to my table. Then, I realise that eating potato chips would make my hand greasy and hard to study. So I walk back to the cabinet and grab a box of biscuits. And I realize that the bag of chips is about to get expired, so I walk back again and take the chips. But I forgot that it is greasy until I walk to the table. I swear sometimes I have such short term memory. So that why the rest of my revising time went down the drain.

In the end, if I have 4 hours to revise, I could only, like really study seriously, for 30 seconds. Oh typo there it should be minutes.

Or is it??

Holy sweet baby Jesus I really need to go back to revising since I have the 15 (Yes, you don't read that wrong, it is 15. Or more? WTF!) exams to be taken this month.

I am in a really pissed off mode.

Oh lord I really need to go back to studying. Bye guys! See you after exams :) ~ B xoxo

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