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The next few years of the Payne family is way harder life then it seems.. The three boys were a handful, especially Zayn..

Zayn's autism is way worse then they thought in the beginning, he never said a word, acts out and can bite people with no problem and The OCD is bad he can't go or do anything without fixing it.

Louis is a football player and is always on the go, Harry is a singer and does plays as well. Those two boys became closer and excluded Zayn out of a lot of things, even though they love him, they find him annoying...

But something big was coming for the Payne Triplets.. They were moving to a new city and a new baby would be coming into the family.

The move was hard and it makes Zayn even more irritating because he just lost everything he knew was familiar and knew how to fix everything.

They were in the new house and the boys were going into Fourth Grade.

The morning of the first day.. Liam and Niall started to do their normal morning routine. Liam got up a hour or so earlier with Zayn because he takes a lot longer and Niall has the two others because they were easier and faster.

Liam woke up at 5:30 and put on a pair of sweatpants and he went to Zayn's room. They always start by opening the blinds and then turning on his lamp.

Liam always slowly uncovers Zayn from his blanket and rubbed his back to wake him up. Once he was up, Zayn makes his bed a few times and then goes in the bathroom.

Liam puts the shower to the right temperature as Zayn sees with the stickers they put in the shower and he gets in and does his shower routine.. which is wash/ wet for 15 minutes, shampoo for 5 and rince for 20 . Liam does it and counts the minutes.. if he doesn't or makes a mistake Zayn will have a freak out..

Liam dries Zayn a certain way and then he puts the towel around Zayn's Waist.

Zayn has to perfectly get his toothbrush, toothpaste and brush in order, always fixing it.. this takes like 10 minutes or more. Zayn walked to his room, by this time it's like 6:30 and the other two were just getting up and starring to get ready for school.

Liam helps Zayn get ready who fixes his sweater a couple times and his bed again and he walked downstairs.

By then Harry, Louis and his daddy were at the table eating. Zayn had a special seat and his thing placed exactly like he liked it..

He ate and fixed his bowl and utensils as he ate and not long after Liam had to drive them to school.

The two men hoped that the day was going to be ok.

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