The devil is nicer than my dad

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A/N: You guys should be proud of me. I worked really hard on this. It might not show but I did. At the same time reading this, I was listening to music so there might be some mistakes. Oops. Also I am going on vacation for only 3 days so there will probably be a story on Saturday or Sunday. Other than that I might do a story every other day if you guys would like that. I have again 2 more shoutouts at the end of the story. They are different people then the last. BUT NEVER STOP LOOKING AT ALEC BENJAMIN GUYS. AND GAVIN BECKER. IF YOU LIVE IN NEW JERSEY GAVIN BECKER IS HAVING A FREE SHOW HERE. JUST KEEP LOOKING AT HIS SOCIAL MEDIA TO KNOW WHEN AND WHERE. OK NOW ONTO THE STORY


My dad doesn't hesitate at all. He grabs my arm and forcefully pushes me onto the couch. He doesn't take any time before he slaps me in my face. The pain shoots through me and I feel the tears threatening to come out.

"Maybe that will knock the fag out of you," he says through gritted teeth. My eyes go wide at this. I start stuttering, but no words come out. How did he find out? Tristan didn't tell him, right? No he would never. Would he?

" did you find out?" I say through tears. I don't care anymore. Let him see me cry. I am too scared right now. I don't know what he will do to me. I know it won't be pretty though. Whoever did this must have did it on purpose.

"Somebody was nice enough to tell me. Now I need you to do something for me or else your Tristan will be getting more pain than my slap. Maybe just maybe he might end up in the hospital. Now how would that make you feel. Knowing that you were the one that is responsible?" He glares at me. Is it seriously that bad to have a gay son. I swallow my tears. I swallow my pride. I can't let him hurt Tristan.

"What do you want me to do?"

Back in Tristan's room:

I slowly walk up the stairs. Wiping away the last of my tears. I take the stairs one step at a time. I breath in one more time and then put a straight face on. I grab for his doorknob take one more breath and then open it.

When Tristan sees me come in he smiles. His eyes start shining brighter and he stands up. He comes over to hug me but I move away. He looks at me. His smile slowly falling.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asks me sounding a little bit scared. I roll my eyes putting on my best angry mood.

"Yeah whatever. Anyways I just came over here to say that we are done. Good? Good. Ok, bye. See you later," I start to turn away because I can't stand to be there any longer. He takes me by the arm and turns me around. Tears have already started falling down.

"Miles please. Please don't do this to me. I love you. Please don't break up with me. I love you. I will say it to you again and again. I love you, I want you, and I need you. Please don't go." I can hear Tristan's voice crack, but I have to stay strong. I have to make sure that my dad doesn't hurt Tristan. I have to protect Tristan even if that means losing him.

     "Wow Tristan. Do you think that I actually love you. Do you think that I need you. If you think yes you are wrong. I have never loved you. I have never even looked at you in that way. So cry all you want, but I don't love you so I am going to leave," I manage to get the words out of my mouth. I manage to mess up yet again. Now-a-days it seems like all I am ever doing is messing up.

     I don't wait for a response because I know I will break if I see or hear him, so I just walk out of his room. I take my jacket and I don't look back. Not even when Tristan starts sobbing my name. Not even when Tristan tells me to go fuck myself. I don't look back and I am glad that I didn't.

Tristan's Perspective:

I was expecting him to come back smiling. I was expecting him to be all like "It's a joke," but no he never came back. I knew he was gone for good when I heard my door slam. What did I do? Did I mess up again? It's probably all my fault like always. Everyone I love always leaves me. I thought he loved me back, but I was stupid. Someone like Miles could never love me. I was probably just a side person to him.

I take out my phone and quickly dial the number of the one person that I know that does care about me. I dial Mike's number. He picks up after the 3rd ring.

"Hey Tris! What's up?" He sounds a little excited but I don't catch on. I sniffle a little, but Mike doesn't say anything about it. Thank god he doesn't. I quickly take a deep breath before I spill out everything. Mike doesn't say anything. He just listens to me rant. Every once in a while he would put in his opinion, but other than that he just let me talk.

It felt good to know that there is someone that cares about me. There is someone that won't use me. There is someone that will always have my back. There is someone that loves me. Whether in a romantic way or a friendly way. After I hang up on me, I let the tears fall. They pour out.

I don't hold back anything. I just let it all go. I don't worry about my parents coming in. I don't worry about anything. I just let all the tears come out. Am I stupid? Or am I just easy? You know what? I am probably both. I am useless. I am nothing. I go to the kitchen. I open the drawer. I take out a knife.


Umm well that was interesting to write. I don't know why, but I love to have the ending of all of my chapters entertaining. I want the people to want to come back. No i want them to need to come back. So this is how the ending is. I have everything planned out already, so I am pretty excited. Also I am going to be hopefully writing a series of this. It is going to be with different people in each book. Maybe just maybe the next book will be like a generation of this book. And then the rest of the book will be something else. I won't spoil it for you guys. Anyways. I am thinking about uploading every other day. How does that sound? Should I maybe go back to my one day every week? Let me know. I don't know why, but I am feeling more inspired to write. Shoutout number 1---------

AlyssaEatsAMuffin: Guys this is a writer on Wattpad. She has so many good books. She is probably the main one that is inspiring me to write more. I like her ideas and I like her characters, and I just want to be as good as she is. So definitely check her out. Shoutout number 2--------

The tide: They are a band. They are like New Hope club. They got signed to the vamps and are going on tour with them. There are 4 guys in the band. Drew, Austin, Nate, and Levi. Drew and Levi are 19. Austin is 22 and Nate is 21. They have an awesome song called Put the Cuffs on Me. You guys should check them out. Ok bye guys. I hope you enjoyed this and I will see you guys next time.

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