Chapter 1

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I guess you could say winter is my favorite season, but I think  my favorite season is right between fall and winter, as the final leaves are falling. The chill is there, and there is a chance of snow, but everyone is still happy. I think fall and spring are great seasons for everyone. Those who want to wear shorts can, and those who want to leave the house in long sleeves can. I've rarely met a person who liked both winter and summer. 

Looking outside of my favorite coffee shop window, a sheet of white covers the ground outside, while the wind blows through the bare trees. I can't help but smile, but everyone outside looks miserable. Today is the start of winter. It comes a bit early in Oxford. Earlier than I'm used to at least. See, I've been over here for about two years, completing my third year at University. I've only returned to the states a few times. Mainly to swap out clothes and such. You could say my family isn't that close. You'd think with all of that money they get from performing they could visit me once in a while. 

That's enough about that. Things I don't like to do: 1. Talk about my parents. 2. Listen to other people talk about my parents. "Stella!" I woke up out of my daze to see my Iced Soy Chai sitting at the pick-up area. As I went up to grab my drink, I noticed George smiling at me from behind the counter. He's worked here since the start of the school year. We met during first year, along with Louis. We've been best friends ever since. 

"You know you might hear your order better if you'd stop daydreaming." He remarked. 

I let out a bit of a laugh. "Thank you for my drink. When did you sneak into work?" 

He combed his fingers through his hair. We both knew that he had come in late, as usual. "Maybe you should start minding your own business. Speaking of, where is lover boy?" He chuckled.

I frowned. I know George isn't the biggest fan of Chad. I don't know what his problem is. Of course, Louis isn’t too fond of him either. Ever since we started dating last winter, I've just sensed a strange tension between Chad and them.

Chad is also American. He transferred last year and the minute we met we began talking. I was able to help him with his culture shock, and he was able to comfort me when I was homesick. [Homesick for my home, not my parents.] We understand each other. But lately it seems like he has been all about the physical aspect of the relationship. For our one year anniversary this past weekend he bought us a hotel room if that gives you any insight. It was a nice gift, but I told him I couldn't accept it. He stormed off. Unfortunately that has been the pattern recently. Chad takes things too far, I tell him no, and then he storms off. But I'm sure I'm a bit to blame, right? 

Annoyed with George's question I go and sit back at my table. I caught a couple girls staring at me as I walked by. I heard the one with red hair whisper, "Apparently pop star mommy and daddy decided to go for one of the unique names." 

I turned around not really knowing what I was about to say. "Excuse me, but–" 

"I think Stella is a great American name. At least it's nothing weird like Clarissa.” The girls rolled their eyes and went back to their latte's. I mouthed a 'thank you' to George, but he just shook his head and said, "Forget the haters, Stel."

We created that phrase a while back. Apparently there is this emotion that exists among the female species called jealousy? I don't know what I've done besides be nice to people here, and for the most part people seem to like me. At least they pretend they like me. But sadly there are a few people I've come across that automatically have something against me. I mean, I don't expect everyone to fall in love with me when we meet, but I definitely don't think it's fair to hate someone before you get to know them. That's why I'm glad I have George and Louis here. Without them I don't know where I would be. Chad has helped a lot with that too, but Chad is attractive and an American. Pretty much every girl falls in loves with him once they hear the accent. Needless to say he doesn't understand what I'm going through.

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