Chapter 8

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"There is no need to panic. The government have everything under control right now. Do not leave your home and stay inside. We still don't know who is attacking us but we are armed with defense against any unknown force there might be"

Then a huge text appear at the screen:

Thanks for watching to this pre-recorded message from the government.

No one is doing what the message said. The people at the town square are either running around screaming or lying on the ground and screaming. Me and Nicholas just stand there while everyone else is in panic. What if all of the factions will get destroyed one by one?

Suddenly Nicholas grab my arm. ''We need to find the others'' He said.

His blue eyes were filled with fear as he spoke to me. I had never seen him like this before, he always knew everything. Maybe this unknown attack scared him because he couldn't control it.

I didn't really know who Nicholas meant by 'others' but I nodded and followed him. We pushed throught the huge crowd. I wanted to help them and tell them that everything would be fine but I didn't know what would happen either.

People around us were climbing over the walls and trying to get out, the question was why? Outside is where the danger is, so why walk staight into it.

"Mylo!? Are you even listening to what I am saying?" Nicholas yelled and I turned my head away from the scared crowd.

"They're in the training center" He said.

I give him a questionable stare. "How do you know that?" I asked and his facial expression changed as quickly as I could finish the sentence.

His mouth is still wide open, like that's something he don't know himself. "I don't know" He finally whispered.

We have nothing else to go on so I guess Nicholas vision is the only thing we might know. I grab his arm and start to run. I don't look at the people we're passing, I don't need to help them. I should only worry about me and my friends at the moment.


Everyone is running passed us, out of the building. They're screaming at us to turn around. I guess we should but Nicholas just keep running further in to the building with me close behind.

I can't seem to find the red headed girl that I am looking for anywhere? But when I do find her I don't really know what our plan is. To escape? How do you even escape the only place you know exsist? And to where do you run? New questions just pop into my head every second that I have to think.

Nicholas stopped and pushed me backwards towards the wall. He put his hand over my mouth. What was he doing?

''Eric is coming'' He hissed and didn't take his eyes of me for a second.

''He's dangerous. I can't explain why, you'll just haft to trust me'' He added still holding his sweaty hand over my mouth.

I peeked over his head as I tried to get a glimps of Eric. I saw soldiers walking behind him. I couldn't tell if they were there to protect him or destroy Dauntless. I made a quick move and opened the door behind us and locked it quietly. Being locked in a dark dusty room made me feel like I could finally breath again, I had been holding my breath during the whole 'sweaty hand on my mouth' situation.

I saw shadows hiding in the back of the room. When my eyes got focused enough on the dark I saw two transfers ashamed of what they 'might have been' doing in a dark room as they got caught by two brunette dorks. It was Ellinor and Benjamin.


''Ellinor?'' I said quietly and walked towards them.

''Yes'' She finally answered as she got up from the cold floor.

What had they been doing here? Wait. I very well 'knew' what they did. No need to question.

''Do you two know about Amity?'' I asked.

Nicholas casually walked up next to me. ''If you don't know what that blue eyed girl is talking about, she is talking about that Amity have been destroyed and there might be a war coming toward us'' He explained.

I gave him a annoyed stare before continuing. ''And we all need to....''

''.....Get out of here'' Nicholas added. I punched his fore arm before turning back to Ellinor and Benjamin.

''When did all of this shit happend?!'' Ellinor shouted and it looked like she was going to run over me. I quickly told her to be quiet and to calm down.

''We'll just walk out of this dark room and sneak out of the building without being caught by anyone'' I explained and they all nodded.

I turned the door knob until I heard a click then it swung open, right into someone's face.

I gasped and slowly looked at the other side of the door. There was a familiar boy was lying and screaming in pain. It was Micah.

No one did anything.We just stared at him. The only person in the room who had beaten him in a fight was Benjamin. The others of us just enjoyed seeing him in pain, I guess.

His middle lenght black hair was filled with red liquid. I did feel bad for him. Maybe because I was the one who caused his injury. Without thinking I knelt down next to him and grabbed his pale face in my hands.

"Micah?" I whispered, hoping that he would answer or wake up. Nicholas knelt down beside me.

I could feel his breaths on my neck. "He'll be fine" He quickly said.

How could he be so sure? He might as well stop breathing at any minute. Nicholas and his senses made me so angry. Everytime he opened his mouth I literally wanted to punch him, repeatedly.

"Am I dead?" Micah opened his eyes slowly and recoiled quickly as he recognized my face. Ellinor pointed at his head and his hand slowly reached the blood at his forehead. He squealed and closed his eyes in pain again.

"I'm sorry about that" I said.

Nicholas grabbed my arm and got me up from the ground. "Mylo. We need to leave" He hissed and pointed out of the window. I looked down and saw hundreds of scared people with more guards then I could count around them. If we didn't move now we would be trapped here.

I turned back towards Nicholas again. "We need to bring Micah with us" I whispered. Nicholas didn't say anything more than a nod which suprised me since he was the only one I knew who ALWAYS  liked to argue with me.

I turned towards the two love birds in the corner. "Get him up from the floor. He's going with us" I said and pointed at Micah.


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