Chapter 4

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My eyes open as someone burst into the room. ''Wake Up puppets!'' Eric screams. ''Today is a new day for me to torture you all''

I quickly get up. My clothes are the same as I wore at the Choosing Ceremony. A pair of jeans and a white top. My blue cardigan is long gone.

Eric clears his throat. ''Get in a line everyone. Now!'' He shout and everyone run towards him and make a staight line. I end up last in it. Luckily I am tall enough to still see Eric.

''This is the first day of training. We will see blood and you all haft to be brave. You're going to fight each other'' Eric say and smirk. He is looking right at me, I am almost totally sure that he wants to kill me first.

He starts to walk out of the room and we all follow him towards the training area.


"This is the list. The list show who you're going to fight each day" A girl explain to us. She's tall and have a long blue braid swining on her back. She almost look like some kind of god, a sea god. "The score you get at this level is important. Not everyone will make it" She ads.

Everyone run towards the list. They all wanna know who they're gonna fight. I freeze. I don't wanna know. Some of them are shouting and some are cheering. "First couple: Ellinor against Laurel" Eric shout and point at the fighting area.

I recognize Ellinor. She's the one I stepped into yesterday. She is a small girl. Laurel is not that small but Ellinor look like she wants to kill Laurel. Maybe that's what you need to survive in Dauntless. A killer instinct.

"Let's start transfers!"

They stare at each other. Laurel looks scared and Ellinor seem like the opposite. Laurel run towards Ellinor and at the last moment she punch Laurel in the stomach. The punch makes her fall down and scream. Laurel get up again and look furious. Ellinor just smirk at her. A smirk that for a moment made her look like Eric. Laurel try to punch her again and this time she suceed and Ellinor's nose start to bleed.

Ellinor look down on her hand. It's filled with red liquid. "Bitch!" She shriek and run right into Laurel. She falls backwards and off the fighting area. "Ellinor is the winner!" Eric say and he almost sound ammused. He probably love making kids into killing machines.

"Next up is...." Please don't say my name. Please. "Mylo against Micah!" The blue haired girl say out loud. I know who Micah is. He is the tall and muscular guy from Abnegation. He will probably kill me. I will never win.

I swallow hard and walk towards the fighting area. My heartbeat is racing fast and I am starting to shake. Micah nod towards me and I nod back. I guess some Abnegation manners are still in him. That's good, I think.

"Well? what are you waiting for?" Eric ask. "Start"

Micah's nice face disappeared faster than Eric could say 'start'. He rush towards me, his huge body moving in a speed faster than mine. I closed my eyes and got ready for the punch. His fist strike my jaw, hard. I fly backwards and hit the net. I get up quickly. The room is spinning. I try to run towards him but I fall again and he hit me in the stomach.

"Resistance Erudite! You haft to fight back" I hear Eric shout. I can't imagine how lame I seem right now. Lying on the ground, letting someone punch me as I try to get up.

Without thinking for a second I grab Micah's leg and bite it. He shout something I can't hear and stop hitting me. I get up from the ground and try to hit his face, but he grabs my wrist and punch me one more time in the chest.

For a few seconds I can't breath. I fall down and crawl into a fetal position. I bite my lip and try not to scream. It hurts so much, every bone in my body is hurting. But I won't let them see me cry or scream in pain.

I just lay there and think. I think about my family, my old faction. Micah punch me one more time in the back. The pain is unbelievable. It feels like my spine just broke. Without thinking I scream. I scream so loud that probably every faction heard it. My sight is blurry bacause my eyes are filled with tears. But I can still see the contour of Micha. He is going to hit me again.

"Stop!" Someone shout. It sounds like our girl instructor, but I am not sure. She drag Micah away from me and kneel down next to me. "Micah is the winner!" Eric shout and everyone of the transfers cheer. They are probably adoring him now since he almost killed someone.

"Are you okey?" She ask me and I shake my head. I am not okey.


I take my tray of food and walk towards a table. Which one I am walking towards I am not very sure of. At one table the Dauntless-born are sitting and having a blast together. At the next one some of the transfers sit, they don't talk much. They just eat.

My sight spin around the cafeteria and stops at Ellinor. She's sitting all alone at one of the smaller tables, I don't know if she even wants company but I walk towards her.

She looks up at me. Her gaze is inspecting me from head to toe. "Can I sit here?" I ask and she stare at me. Then she laughs. "You don't haft to ask smart ass. You can just sit where ever you want without asking permission" She say. I guess she's not holding anything back atleast. That's probably the only thing I always liked about Candor, that they don't hold back what they think or how they feel.

I chuckle and try to smile. She just called me smart ass. An insult I will be carrying with me my whole life probably. "It was fun watching you get your ass kicked" She finally say. I don't know if that is a compliment or not but I sit down anyway.

''I bet you could have beaten Laurel too, she was easy'' Ellinor say and take another bite of the chicken. I was going to mention that Laurel punched her in the face too, but figured that I was better off without saying anything.

''I'm Ellinor'' She say and I nod before looking back at my plate. ''I know, you told me yesterday'' I say and quickly shut my mouth again.

Then she keep staring at me until I realized what she wanted me to reply. ''Ehh... I'm Mylo''

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