Make Your Choice

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I looked at myself in the mirror. My brown hair had now been pulled away from my face. I was not pretty, not like most girls. My nose is shaped weird and my eyes are too big. Mila, my older sister was standing behind me and put the last pin in to my brown hair. Today was the day. The day of the simulator test.

Mila hands me a blue necklace with an eye on it. It's the Erudite symbol. We haft to wear something blue everyday. Erudite's main color is blue, as it is supose to be a "calming color that helps stimulate the brain". The brain is the only thing anyone here cares about.

She smile at me and her dimples are showing. ''Knowledge is the only logical solution to the problem of conflict'' Mila quotes and give me a hug. The quote is one that I actually remember from the Erudite Manifesto. I smiled back at her.

My sister is very smart and pretty. Her long blonde hair is always in a perfect braid that sways back and forth on her back. Her eyes are blue as ice crystals. But she hides them behind her glasses. Almost everyone in our faction wears them, even when their sight is perfect.

I look at the watch on my wrist. The test is soon starting. The blood in my face is rushing and my cheeks are burning.''I should probably get going'' I say and kiss her cheek.

She waved me off as I walk down the pavement towards the simulator test. The test that will decide my whole future.


I sit on a chair in a row of sixteen year olds. Erudite, Abnegation, Dauntless, Amity and Candor. All in one room. This is the only time of the year where we all enter the same room at the same time. I look around me and see alot of faces. I can tell who's about to pass out or cry. Others look brave and relaxed. I am none of these. I am terrifed.

''Mylo Dixon'' I hear someone call out my name. I quickly stand up from the hard chair and start walking towards one of the test rooms. Mirrors cover the inner walls of the room. In the center of the room is a reclined chair, like a dentist's.

I lay down on the chair and a bright light is stinging in my eyes. I see the shadow of a woman. She's probably at the same age as my mom and she has black shoulder long hair.

''Welcome Mylo, I am Larissa. Are you ready?'' The woman ask. She's wearing black trousers and a while shirt. She must be from Candor.

I slowly nod at her question and she gives me the vial with the blue serum. The serum that will take me to the simulation. ''Drink this'' She says. Her tone makes me feel like I have no choice. But I do not have a choice.

I don't question her. My hands are shaking. I take a deep breath and tip the contents into my mouth. My eyes close.


Then they open. I am now standing in a dark room. One single spotlight shine on something lying on the floor. I run towards it and grab the gun. What ever I might get to face, it's probably something I will haft to shoot. I have never held a gun before, and never even thought about firing one.

Something is buzzing behind me. I quickly turn with the gun tight to my chest. My heartbeat is racing. It feels like it's gonna pound out of my chest. I exhale slowly as I sink down to the stone floor.

A loud growl is echoing through the black space and before I can blink a huge creature is running towards me. I quickly get up from the ground and start to run.

''Help me!'' Someone shouts. It sounds like a child. I should help, I should run back. But I don't.

I don't even turn around but I still hear the creature tearing the child apart limb to limb and I how the child is screaming in pain. For a moment of weakness I turn around and shoot the creature. Both child and creature become silent. I sprint towards the creature. They are both dead. But just to be sure I shoot the monster once again, this time with the gun pressed against it's head.

Then it disappears and I am all alone again. This time I am standing in a house, filled with people I don't recognize.

Someone grabs my arm, and do not let go. I tried to get away but his pressure gets even harder. ''Excuse me'' He say.

I kick his side. I kick until he release my arm and sink down on the floor with pain. ''Don't touch me'' I say. It's almost feels like a threath. I have never threatened anyone before. It feels like I got the power. I feel strong.

I walk in to someone else and he stares at me, his eyes are black holes. ''Excuse me. Can you help me?'' He ask and reach out for my hand. I quickly shake my head and walk pass him.

I can't shake him off. ''Do you know this girl?'' He say and show me a picture of Mila. Or I think it is her. It might just be the simulator that's messing with my mind. My brain tells me that this girl is my sister. But it look like someone else. I think I know her.

''No'' I say.

''Are you sure?'' He ask once again and looks me right in the eyes. Or I think he is looking at me, can't be sure when he doesn't have any eyes.

I nod again and he grabs my wrist. ''You can save my life if you tell me the truth''

''I am not lying'' I say loudly enough to make everyone around me quiet. They stare at me like zombies. ''I am not lying'' I repeat and this time I actually believe my own words.

Then everything get's dark.


I wake up and feel my body shaking. My face is sweaty. Larissa is standing beside my chair. She's walking back and forth.

''You have gotten a result'' She say as she untie my legs and wrists. I see myself in the mirror walls. I look terrified and my face is red, like I would have been running for miles.

I slowly nod as I try to catch my breath. ''You didn't save the child. That mean that you're not made for Abnegation. You shot the monster. That would an Amity never do'' She look down at her papers. ''You lied to the man. Candor can't lie. You did not listen to the Erudite Manifesto that you have been learning all your life either''

The quote my sister said to me. The last thing she said to me flashed through my mind.

''Knowledge is the only logical solution to the problem of conflict.'' I whisper.

''Exactly, but you kicked the man and shot the monster, that's act of bravery and not a solution that an Erudite would do. Dauntless, the brave ones'' She say.

Dauntless. The brave ones they say. I would call them impulsive or crazy. The ones who's jumping of trains on the way to school. This can't be right? But still, a part of me always knew that I didn't fit here with these people.

I cover my mouth with my hands and sobbed. I can't cry, not in front of her. ''Thank you'' I say before running out from the room. Outside the test room it feels like I can finally breath again.

I see all of these people watching me breaking apart. I don't care about what they think. What will I choose tomorrow? Staying with my family or leave them forever?







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