Fond Farewell

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Kyra was as happy as she could be. Surprisingly. Her father knew where she was. He knew she was safe. She was in a place where her talents were being recognised and put to good use. She knew what she was doing.
After a lengthy discussion, originally Tywin had made her work for Pycelle for a certain number of hours for safe keep and food but two weeks into her arrival at King's Landing and she found herself in there every day all day. One of the conditions she was under was that she was not to go near or speak to Jaime. She hadn't. She still thought about him.
Pycelle also appreciated her help. There were a lot of people coming into the Grand Maester's room to get treated. She worried about Jaime. She didn't realise that when he came to speak to her at Robb's camp, he'd defied his father and was now being punished for it. And there was nothing she could do. But if she wanted to keep the position she had she couldn't help him. Her work was far more important. He would have to deal with it alone.

Her patient at the moment was a man who was close to death. He had come down with a fever that was spreading throughout the city. She would need to work quickly to eradicate it. She still felt guilty about betraying Robb, she had genuinely cared about him, but she felt better now. King's Landing would always be safer than a camp that moved from place to place every couple of months. She knew where she would be at all times. She longed to see Jaime, however. To tell him she wasn't going to be involved in any crazy plan he had in mind. And she needed to rid herself of him. He only brought trouble. That had already happened. She told Pycelle she was taking an hour out in her chambers. She'd already worked longer than she was expected to that day. She would be back later though. But speaking to Jaime was important. She needed to focus on her job without having any outside distractions. Jaime unfortunately was one of them. He was too much for her to handle.
There were two guards talking outside his chambers.
"I've been asked to run a check up on Ser Jaime."
"We know who you are. And we've been told that if he falls ill, only Grand Maester Pycelle has access to attend to him."
"Grand Maester Pycelle had told me to. He is incredibly busy. He says I'll be OK. It will only take five minutes." The guard looked her up and down.
"Fine. Five minutes." She nodded. The door was opened for her. She stepped in and heard the lock click behind her as soon as it was shut again. Jaime had been lying on the bed. He was frustrated and bored.
"Hi," she said.
"How are you?" He replied climbing off the bed and offering her one of the seats by the table.
"I'm fine. Look Jaime. I appreciate everything you did for me. Helping me. And I do care about you and I know it's the same for you, but we need to go our seperate ways now. I've found somewhere I'm happy. And I've heard when Lord Tywin returns that he doesn't need to keep me guarded anymore. It won't be long for you either, I'm sure. But I'm not Tywin's child. I don't know how long he wants you here for. And Jaime, as much as you've helped me, I don't mean to sound rude when I say this, but you've also hindered me. Being associated with you is becoming dangerous. I'm sorry it has to be this way but it does."
"And this is how you truly feel?"
"Yes." Jaime sighed. She was right. He did care for her. He wanted to look out for her. But she was a grown adult. She had to make decisions for herself. Jaime had to accept that. He couldn't force her to do anything.
"Well," he eventually said. "Thank you for being honest with me Kyra. It means a lot. I can't say that I agree with you in all those respects but you are free to choose and do whatever you want. As long as we part as amicable friends."
"OK. Thank you Kyra, for everything you've done for me. Saved me from death, enduring my desperation as a prisoner, everything. From the bottom of my heart I appreciate it."
"Thanks. I'll see you." Jaime smiled once more and with that, Kyra slipped from the room and from his life.

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