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The day had arrived. Robb entered Jaime's cell. The guards had left him alone apart from sporadically feeding him, but he wasn't in good condition. He'd been kept in the cage, chained. Robb had entrusted only his most loyal guards to watch over the Kingslayer. He was not going to have a repeat of what had happened before.
"Kingslayer?" Jaime didn't register what he said. He couldn't think straight. His head had been pounding for days. He thought he could hear a voice but it was mumbled and incoherent. "The guards are going to get you up and transport you to the travelling cage." Robb decided to tell his prisoner what was happening. He didn't want Jaime to think he was being attacked again and start lashing out. It would be reasonable to think the Lannister would assume that was happening.

Jaime had barely moved and was still very weak. Robb doubted he heard what he was trying to say.
He knew that considering Kyra had been the premise to Jaime getting beaten up, Robb knew better than to let her back in the cell. Lannister behaved strangely around her. His men reported his infatuation with the medic. It was entirely possible they knew each other before their capture but the King in the North hadn't seen the Kingslayer like he was with Kyra with anyone else.
He felt guilty for leaving him without medical attention for something that serious for that long. But he didn't have a choice. He had to keep as many people as possible placated. Jaime would be back in King's Landing soon. He would get treatment there. His father would most definitely see to that.
Jaime's collar and manacles were removed. The guards pulled him to his feet and had to grab him on either side to keep him standing to stop him from falling. His hands were chained back together behind his back tightly and his ankles were also shackled loosely. Two guards had him between them and he was walked over to a cage which was attached to the back of two horses. He was locked inside. Soon the party heading to the exchange point was ready and Robb gave the order for them to move.
Jaime still hadn't recovered from that harsh beating he'd received. He remembered chains being removed and put back on and being locked inside a smaller, more cramped cage. He could barely feel what was happening. Only pain.
He was fighting to keep his eyes open. He had to though. He had to be alert.
Robb had six men riding around Jaime's cage. For his protection as well as to keep an eye on him.
The road was uneven and every time the cage went over a bump, Jaime felt a jolt of pain. He knew it was a few hours to the inn. He wasn't looking forward to the rest of the journey. The North didn't exactly have the flattest roads in the seven kingdoms and there was a whole to go yet.

Tyrion was also on his way. He had Sansa up front with him and was just talking to her. When he'd broken the news to her that she was to be exchanged for his brother and was being allowed to go home, she'd burst into tears and had spent the days after being as polite and sweet as possible so to not mess anything up.
He'd spoken to the girl a number of times. She was shy. Scared. But she was a nice girl willing to have a conversation. He was grateful because it meant the journey wasn't awakened and stifled. He prayed Robb Stark would keep his word and return his brother to him. Going by the last time he saw Jaime, the sooner he got his older brother back, the better.
Tyrion was waiting at the inn. Stark wasn't here yet. He wasn't expecting him to be. It was a shorter length of time for him. The boy was always going to take longer. He and Sansa went in. His men stayed outside, waiting to inform him when the second party was approaching.
"Drink?" The innkeeper asked as he approached the table. He knew who he was talking to.
"Wine for both of us," Tyrion replied. The innkeeper nodded and brought it over to them quickly. He left.
Tyrion turned to Sansa. "Are you happy to be back with your brother?"
"Yes. I've been waiting for this day for ages."
"I'm happy for you my lady. That you can finally get some peace." Something that was well deserved and long overdue for that girl, thought Tyrion. He'd never agreed the way she was treated by his sister and his little shit of a nephew.
Jaime. Almost a year now without his brother. He also deserved some peace, care and a warm bed.

They waited four hours. Tyrion drank more and more, but not enough to become inebriated. He had to be focused. A guard soon found them.
"My lord, Stark's arrived." Finally. Robb was let through and sat at the table beside Tyrion and Sansa. Sansa's face broke into a huge smile. But Robb didn't return it. He had business to deal with first. Then he could concentrate solely on his family.
"Where's my soldiers?" Robb asked Tyrion firmly. Trust the Lannisters to go back on thier deal.
"Once I have Jaime, they will be released in the morning. We are willing to give you all of those you asked for." Leverage.
"Very well. But I will be expecting a message to inform me of thier release."
"As you wish. Let's go outside." Tyrion and Sansa followed Robb.
Robb took Sansa and put her with his guards. He turned to one man that Tyrion recognised from his night in Jaime's cell, nodded and the guard walked off.
"Lannister," Robb said gravely. "I need to warn you. I few days ago I found my guards hurting your brother. I believe Kyra was the reason it began. For that reason, I couldn't give him help. Once you're back he needs medical attention. I promise you, had nothing to do with it. I would have stopped it had I known it was going to." Tyrion saw a cage open and men reached in. Jaime was dragged out the cage and towards Robb.
"Oh Gods," Tyrion whispered as he laid eyes on his brother. Robb was right. Tyrion didn't know how he could be worse after how he found him in the prison cell but somehow he was. Much worse. Jaime was dumped before Tyrion's feet carelessly. He had no reaction to the harsh thump. He wasn't moving. Stark would have told him if he was dead though. Wouldn't he? Tyrion felt for a pulse. It was there. So he wasn't dead. Yet.

Robb's guards retreated quickly and Robb's entire force that was there rode off, including Sansa. At least they didn't have any injured.
Tyrion knelt down beside his brother. He was really struggling. He had to get him home.
"We need to go," Tyrion informed his guards before turning to the innkeeper. "Is there a blacksmith nearby?"
"Just opposite side of the road." The guards lifted Jaime up and carried him over to the blacksmiths. Tyrion joined them. The blacksmith came out. He recognised Tyrion straight away. How could he not?
"Lord Tyrion, it is an honour. How can I help you?" Clearly he didn't know who Jaime was, that was how much his brother looked different. Long hair, a beard, mud and blood coating his body. Tyrion knew better than to reveal his brothers identity.
"Can you remove his chains, please?"
"Yes, of course. Bring him over here." The guards pulled Jaime over and the blacksmith undid his chains.
Once that was done Tyrion paid the blacksmith his fees and they went back to the horses. Tyrion told one of the guards to take Jaime on the same horse as him and stop him from falling. They rode off leaving the inn, and Robb Stark in the past.

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