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Another battle fought, another battle won. Robb Stark was feeling very happy. And weary. Fighting had taken its toll on him. But at least he was winning. And he had captured the most valuable prisoner he could. The Kingslayer, Ser Jaime Lannister. He was chained to a post in a cage in the middle of Robb's camp, heavily guarded and defenceless. That was the last battle. Robb had captured another ten people in this one, including the Lannister's field medic, Kyra. Along with the other nine men who Robb had taken, the medic was kneeling in front of him. He had a plan for her. To bring her to his side and serve him instead. He didn't have one and desperately needed one.

Jaime had been Robb's prisoner for roughly eleven months. Every day all he did was sit and wait. Pray that the Young Wolf agreed to an exchange of hostages. That he could get out of this prison and get back to normal life. Get back to his father, to Tyrion... And to Cersei. He wasn't going to give these Stark men the satisfaction that he could get scared here though. But he had no power. He could only wait.

Back in Robb's tent the soldiers had been dealt with and were taken away. Kyra knelt before the King in the North. She had her head bowed and her eyes fixed to the floor. She was in the middle of bandaging a man's arm when she was hit on the head form behind. She found herself waking up exactly where she was now. She saw someone kneeling down in front of her. She felt fingers on her chin and her head was lifted up.
"Kyra, I'm Robb," said the King in the North.
"I know who you are Your Grace," she replied timidly.
"How old are you?"
"Nineteen Your Grace."
"I know you were the medic for the Lannister troops. I have a deal for you. If you become my medic you will be given comfortable living quarters and free reign of the camp. You won't be allowed to leave, I have guards posted at every entrance anyway but you will be able to live comfortably. As long as you work for me. If you refuse, you will be treated the same as any other prisoner. I'll give you tonight to consider it."
"Thank you Your Grace."
"See Kyra to a tent and keep her there overnight. I'll come and see her tomorrow." The men nodded and Kyra was shown out the tent.
Robb also left the tent. He saw the girl round a corner. A shy girl, was Kyra, not deserving to be in the position she was in. But Robb needed people like her to further his advantage. He was on his way to see Jaime Lannister. He needed to talk to him. He found Grey Wind on the prowl and took him with him. He'd met the Kingslayer a few times and always brought the direwolf to keep his prisoner at bay. Jaime was a rash man. When it came to him to do something, he would do it without thinking about the consequences. Robb knew this about him so he was always cautious.
Jaime's cell was in the middle of the camp. It was slightly seperated from the others. Strategically placed so there would be eyes on him at all times. This was Jaime Lannister, Tywin's son, the Kingslayer. Robb didn't trust him at all. One of Lannister's guards unlocked the cell as Robb and Grey Wind approached. Once the King in the North had entered the cell he studied the man in front of him. Jaime was dirty and unkempt. He was sleeping right now, his hair flopped over his bloodied face. He'd lost weight and Robb couldn't tell where his shirt met his trousers from the amount of mud that covered him.
"Kingslayer," Robb snapped. Jaime didn't move. Robb took a couple of steps forward and gave him a boot to the ribs. Jaime grunted and blinked a few times. He adjusted to the light and looked up at the younger man.
"What do you want?" Jaime said flatly. His green eyes levelled with the direwolf who was growling at him. "Why, every time you come in here, do you have your pet with you?" Jaime said, nodding at Grey Wind. "Are you scared, boy?"
"Don't call me boy Lannister. I'm more of a man than you could ever be." Jaime scoffed. "I'm not the one chained up, a hostage to the enemy am I?"
"If you're only here to insult me, get out. I'm tired of looking at you," Jaime retorted.
He knows how to rile someone, Robb thought. Jaime turned his face away from the Young Wolf, looking at a group of four guards, warming thier hands over a fire. Secretly he wished he could join them. This was one of the coldest nights and he couldn't feel his feet.
"Tomorrow," Robb said bringing Jaime's attention back to him. "I send your cousin back to negotiate with your brother."
"Good luck. You're not getting anywhere with that."
"We'll see. You're not leaving this cell until I get my sisters back, in my care. And even then, I have a lot to consider. I would advise you to keep in line Kingslayer, if you want your stay here to be as good as it can be. I can make it worse if you want."
"I don't care. Now leave me alone Stark. I'm tired of your company." Robb patted Grey Wind and they both retreated out the cell. The guard on duty locked the cell door and leered at Jaime. He bowed his head and laughed slightly in disgust.
Robb had tried many a time to get his sisters, Sansa and Arya, back. But he would not give up Jaime Lannister for them. He was too valuable. Robb went to bed, knowing he had a big day ahead of him tomorrow.

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