Finding Out The Truth

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Jaime was up. He walked slowly around the Red Keep, not fully recovered but able to walk. Just about. The limp in his left leg wasn't doing him any favours. He was still getting regular checkups from Pycelle but was on the mend. The Grand Maester had ordered that he be confined to the Red Keep for the time being where there were people to keep an eye on him. No riding, no fighting.

Jaime had his first meeting today as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. It was strange, some of the first news he received upon waking was his promotion. He thought he wouldn't get Lord Commander until old Selmy had bit the dust.
He was in the White Tower and his fellow Sworn Brothers including Ser Meryn Trant joined him there. But as he looked at the faces, he saw there was one missing. He had his suspicions about what had gone on, but he wanted to know for sure regardless. He beckoned Meryn over to one side.
"Where is Barristan?"
"Oh you wouldn't know," the other man replied. "You were already in the field with your father. Selmy was dismissed from the Kingsguard service by Joffrey. He disappeared from the capital."
"But that's impossible. The oath is for life." Meryn scoffed and raised an eyebrow.
"Who's going to stop Joffrey when his mind is made up about something?"
"OK. Thank you." Meryn took his place and Jaime took his at the head of the table. It didn't feel right at all.
"Brothers," he said and sat at the head of the table, the six other brothers taking thier places at either side of the table. He saw new faces mixed with the older ones of Meryn Trant and Balon Swann. He felt uneasy about the disappearance of the previous Lord Commander.

Trust my son and my sister to choose my own Brothers without me and put me in charge without my permission.

"It's good to have you back ser," Trant said. Jaime nodded in return.
"Let's begin. We have a lot to discuss."

Two hours later and Jaime was back in his room. It was irritating him that he wasn't being let out the keep. He got that they wanted him fully recovered but he'd already spent so much time in prison. This was becoming a different sort of prison. He'd tried to leave a couple of times just to go down to the arena to pick up a sword, but the guards knew about Pycelle's orders and Jaime hadn't been allowed. He thought Tywin wanted him to recover and improve. He couldn't do that if he couldn't train.

There was a knock on the door and Tyrion came in.
"How was the Kingsguard meeting?"
"Fine yeah. The small council meeting?" Tyrion's eyes shifted away from his brother and Jaime knew there was something Tyrion wasn't saying. Oh great. More bad news.
"What? What is it?"
"Kyra," Tyrion sighed.
"What about her?" His breath caught in his throat. She didn't deserve to be treated badly. She was an innocent.
"She's one of Littlefinger's spies. Or, at least she was until Robb Stark turned her. I'm sorry Jaime." Tyrion knew Jaime had begun to care.
"Is it true?"
"Yeah." No. She couldn't be. She was a bannerman's daughter used by a lord. A spy?
"She lied to me," Jaime breathed.
"Who did she say she was to you?"
"The daughter of a Lord who had angered father who was given to father as a punishment. I trusted her. I suppose she still conveys messages to Baelish right?" Jaime was getting angrier.
"No. It seems Robb Stark has turned the girl. Baelish heard from her the first night she arrived and that was it. They believe she's still at Stark's camp. She is still at the camp right?" Jaime nodded stiffly. He didn't know what to think of Kyra now. But he knew one thing. He had to get her back. Her mind must have been so confused. Jaime wanted to help, to get her somewhere she could feel properly safe. And if that meant going to get her himself, that's what he would do. Jaime called for his father. He may still be limping and slightly sore but he could do this.
Tywin entered his room and stood in front of him.
"You wanted to see me?" Tywin asked giving his son a steely look.
"Yes," Jaime replied. "I need your permission to leave the Red Keep. There's something very important I need to do. I need to go alone."
"Unless Pycelle sanctions it, you're not leaving. You're limping still. So no, I'm not giving you permission. You stay here."
"Please father. I need to do this."
"No Jaime. That's an end to it. I will lock you in here if that's what it takes. You stay here. I will hear no more." Jaime sighed. "The guards on rotation tonight will know." Tywin loathed it when his children challenged his authority. He left the room. Jaime suspected that would be his father's answer. But he was going anyway.

Once it got dark, he left his room. As long as he stayed in the Red Keep, none of the guards would challenge him. The problem came to the guards standing at the door. But he had a plan. Some of the guards were dumb. Some were smart. His plans were pinned on the guards who were slightly less smart. Jaime also suddenly realised he'd need a new sword. His own one he'd had since he was first initiated into the Kingsguard, the one that slew Aerys Targaryen, had been taken from him before Robb Stark threw him, bound and bloody, in front of Catelyn Stark after the Battle of the Whispering Wood. He would never get that sword back and would have to get a new one forged. But for tonight he would just have to make do.
He went into the armoury and picked a sword that would suit him. He reached the gates. Two guards were on duty. They saw him and one raised a hand.
"Ser Jaime, I'm afraid I cannot let you pass. I need you to surrender your sword."
"My brother Tyrion has asked me to meet him outside. I have my father's and Grand Maester Pycelle's permission. If you don't believe me, go and ask them. Now let me pass. I won't be long." The guards glanced at each other worriedly.
"You won't be long?" One asked.
"No, I'll be an hour at most. I'm not in any danger. I'm not going to step out of there and collapse and die."
"OK. I will tell your father that you won't be out too long."
"Thank you," Jaime said and walked through the gate after it shut. Dumb guards. He got lucky. He limped over to the stables. His leg was giving him a little bit of trouble but he chose to ignore it. He had a job to do. He chose a piebald horse and cantered away.

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